No civilian president-UPDF man
By Lajul Simon
June 5, 2003

A UPDF officer recently shocked mourners at a funeral in Kitgum district when he said the army might topple any elected civilian president unless it is President Yoweri Museveni.

Maj. Okot Wii-Lit, who accompanied Kitgum LC-V Chairman Nahaman Ojwee, was speaking at the funeral of the late Anthony Opwa, a teacher of Padibe Secondary School in Olebi Parish, Lokung sub-county in Lamwo county.

"We have learnt that you the civilians are agitating for regime change in 2006; you forget. Whoever would like to be president of Uganda must fight for it," Maj. Okot said.

He said Acholi commanders in the UPDF had requested President Museveni to deploy them home to fight the LRA rebels.

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