Politicians warned about child neglect
By David Kibirige

June 6, 2004

KAMPALA - Politicians and other public officers have been warned against child neglect. In a notice to all parents, the National Council for Children (NCC) says there is a surge in cases of child neglect, especially by parents who hold high public office.

“The National Council for Children Secretariat has observed with disappointment the recent/ongoing cases of child neglect by parents who hold high public offices,” Dr Sam A. Okuonzi, the NCC Secretary General said in the statement.

“These cases may create the impression that parents’ responsibility is optional or can be dodged. As leaders, these individuals are setting a bad example to the rest of the population who look up to them as role models.”

Okuonzi did not cite any names of individuals who have neglected their children. Ms Allen Atukunda, a teacher from Mbarara, recently dragged the Minister of Water, Lands and Environment, Col. Saverino Kahinda Otafiire, to the Human Rights Commission for neglecting his two children – sired with her.

This was followed by the arrest of the MP for Kassanda North, Assanasio Kyizzi for neglecting his children. His wife, Rose Namatta, dragged him before the family and children’s court in Makindye.

He was detained in Luzira prison, after defying court summons, but was bailed out the next day. The MP for Ntenjeru south, Rev. Kefa Ssempangi has been fighting court battles arising out of neglecting his family.

Also, several high profile Ugandans have, over the past couple of years, been dragged to court over child neglect. “The council would like to remind all leaders, whether political, religious, civil or traditional that you have a double role with regard to children to set an example of providing parental care,” the NCC statement said.

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