<<Are you a Ugandan? Wow am impressed. I am 33 year old woman with a six year old daughter and single, I leave in Uganda.  I joined this forum recently and am still studying the atmosphere in this group.
Nice meeting you!
Hello Shamilah, welcome to "Ugandanfreespeech". This is where all women should belong; we don't belong to men as we are brainwashed to believe. Yes woman, I am a Ugandan; a hard core acholi woman who migrated to  America after I had been brainwashed by stupid acholi/African culture and tradition. I am glad that you are impressed by my piece. Tell all Uganda women to join this fora.
Believe me woman, I have suffered so much at a very young and innocent age while completely devoted to culture and tradition. I had no choice but to look for and find a reason as to why; not just a reason but a reason that makes sense. What I write about is nothing but a result of me talking to myself; often asking and answering my own questions. somewehere along the line, I noticed that what makes sense is what "culture and tradition (patriarchy) does not want women to know. My every day life, for four years, has evolved around why men this and why men that.  I have learnt a lot about men, culture and tradtion (patriarchy) and I enjoy sharing my knowledge with women who are still brainwashed to believe bullshit like I used to believe.
Teach your daughter everything about the importance of not following culture. In other words, let her know that culture is there to make her suffer and yet make a man happy. Finally, be a good mother, not a wife because that is what is important to us as women.
Once again, welcome to [EMAIL PROTECTED].
Don't forget to tell all girls in Uganda and around the world to join this group for the purpose of reading me.
Once again, welcome.
A "debrainwashed" acholi woman.

shamilah bbosa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Are you a Ugandan? Wow am impressed. I am 33 year old
woman with a six year old daughter and single, I leave
in Uganda.

I joined this forum recently and am still studying the
atmosphere in this group.

Nice meeting you!


--- Anyomokolo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: >
> Private message:
> <> every day just to read you. I really admire your
> courage to challenge men because you speak for a
> lot of women. What you said about culture
> brainwashing girls so that “…we are easy to control,
> use and abuse by men because they fear our vagina
> and each other’s penis size…” is very true. I am an
> African woman who was married for two years to a man
> who was mentally unstable. I divorced five years ago
> and went b ack to school with a vengeance and
> completed my RN in 2002. I am 34 years old and six
> months pregnant with my second and last child
> through DI. My mother, who is 62 years old, said
> that for a young woman of your age who has never
> been married what you know about men is what ! will
> bring you happiness. She said that there is no
> happiness withtout freedom. She said only American
> women are happy wives because they have freedom. …As
> you know in Africa there is culture and tradition,
> psychological war on wives by husbands that locks
> wives in this marriage “cult” where they are "sex
> slaves" who "labor 24hrs like horses to take care of
> men".>>
> Please ‘Anonymous’, don’t use “men” and “patriarchy”
> interchangeably. Patriarchy is a culture whose
> mission is to retards girls’ mental development by
> replacing our moral conviction with culture and< BR>> tradition. Patriarchy is a social system that
> raises girls to be so stupid. Let me use the
> acceptable term, raises girls to follow “culture and
> tradition and to submit to their husbands and accept
> the inhumane and degrading conditions of marriage.
> Patriarchy is a social system that is designed to
> brainwash women to believe that what is important to
> men, is also what is important to them. Patriarchy
> is a social system that brainwashes girls to believe
> that they are born for one reason and only one
> reason: Make men happy at all cost ! and by all
> means necessary. Patriarchy is cult where women are
> used and abused sexually, physically and
> psychologically. Patriarchy is anything and
> everything that does not retard erection and sexual
> pleasure for men. Patriarchy is a woman giving up
> her
> freedom in the name of marriage. Patriarchy is
> relig ion. Patriarchy is culture and tradition.
> Patriarchy is a social system that dominates the
> world. Patriarchy is the Taliban man in Afghanistan
> and they are in every society, race, and culture.
> With so many women around the world who are so
> mentally underdevelop as a result of these
> mechanisms of oppression, I can safely define
> Patriarchy as “A culture that gives men maximum
> rights to socially, mentally, physically and
> sexually control, torture, use, abuse, demoralize
> and immobilize and mistreat women with no
> limitations.
> At a very personal level, so many things about
> patriarchy makes me angry especially the fact that
> men do not condemn each other’s ruthlessness towards
> women to each other. This is the number one reason
> on my list why do not want to get married. All men
> believe it is their right to control and use and
> a buse a woman. All men believe that it is their
> right to own a woman. All men believe that it is
> their right to make a woman suffer in order to make
> them happy. This is the reason men do not condemn
> each other’s ruthlessness towards women to each
> other. For a man to confront another man because of
> his callousness towards women or his wife would be
> infringing on another man’s RIGHTS. Instead, they
> choo! se to infringe of our, women’s, rights. All
> men are flipping selfish. Period!
> <> conceive through the sperm bank.>>
> “Money does not bring happiness” is a cliché to many
> people. I feel like I am the only person in this
> world who understands its real meaning. Happiness is
> the state of the mind. Four years ago, I would have
> been a miserable woman without a husband because I
> was brainw ashed by patriarchy from childhood to have
> that belief, and that was my state of mind at the
> time. Today, after evil devoured my innocence, I had
> the opportunity and reason, to examine, with a high
> a resolution microscope, this dominant ruthless
> patriarchal shit that brainwashed me from childhood.
> As a result, my priority has changed tremendously.
> All I want is a child. I am a woman. I don’t have to
> get married before I get pregnant because it takes
> only ten seconds to ejaculate. I don’t have to get
> married ino rder to guarantee that the product of
> nine months of conception is 50% my genes and I
> don’t need a DNA test either to prove the same. My
> child can arrive in the back seat of my car or in a
> bottle; I still
> wouldn’t need a DNA test. Besides, I have never
> heard of such babies arriving in the world with ten
> heads. This has been my state of mind fo r four
> years.
> I am determined to prove to patriarchy (culture and
> tradition), and rightfully so, that what is
> important to a man, is not what is important to me.
> I am determined to prove to patriarchy that it is
> not a right for a man to own me; it is not a right
> for a man to use my body for sexual pleasure; it is
> not a right for a man to own my vagina; it is not a
> right for a man to have a child. It is not my
> obligation to guarantee a man that ‘right’. It is a
> flipping privilege. Period!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> ---------------------------------
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