We have alot of Baganda Muslim DP supporters. That's for sure because I'm one of them and I know lots of Muslim DP supporters.  I proudly support DP, we are working on settling religious divisions.  I hope for the Acholi DP supporters to do the same and work on religious divisions.  We will get there and the DP support will be strengthened.

dbbwanika db <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://www.idr.co.ug/dfwa-u/gallery.htm

Unintended Invents- Baganda/Acoli absurdities.

-Pop star psychology, sociology / psychic and thought structure is very interesting were ever they can be located. But understanding how POP STARS behave is a good thing for would be pop stars.

-Before the war in Acoli was ignited by "If it was not for Brigadier Chefe Ali, (Frank Eriya Mwine) no UPC or Acholi would be alive" - Maj. Gen. Salim Saleh, already there were divisions within the clans that make up Acoli tribe.

-Acoli are not predominately UPC supporters, on the contrary faithful DP supporters. Who are NRM supporters?

-In Acoli we have the Kitgum and Gulu political divisions a derivative of Acoli cultural wrangles – something, which goes to explain the reasons why so many high Acoli achievers were/are either settlers in Kampala or s omewhere else.

-Exactly the same problem with some West Nile tribes working against their own.

-The above fact can be illustrated by the UPC- DP factions in Acoli. Why was Atema Allimadi farm destroyed?

-Enter Buganda- the confusion here is fumbling as it is also amazingly confusing the Baganda themselves.

-Baganda Moslems who hate UPC so much they will vote NRM for no better alternative a UPC/KY alliance now transformed into new KY/NRM alliance.

-Although Buganda is more united behind the Buganda cultural institution as a system of identification

-There are two factors that contaminate Baganda thought structures;

-1. Religion salting Bagandas’ thought structure via European Education institutions – the missionary schools and now (1980-200...) Baganda Moslem started institutions.

-For these two competing factions nothing is possible without their religious faiths.

-Enter Luwero if ever develops then the Catholics and Moslem must all disappeared from the scene before the storm settles.

-Baganda Catholics are the most educated (to them) the Baganda Moslem are the niggers confined to the backyards of Buganda ghettos; Katwe, Ndebba, you name it.

-2. Religion is then projected onto politics, seeking power space and religious protection outside the church (!), where in TUESDAY REFLECTIONS Kintu Nyago in the Monitor speaks of Alhajji Naduuli (Moslem) prefers to fight the catholic DP to form a UPC/Kabaka Yekka (KY) in the 60s.

-Now the above group alienated by NRM, the Buganda or call it Moslem KY/NRM marriages turned sour becomes heavens knows what?!!

-This is a fact I know from my attempts to start a development project in Luwero in the 90s where I only needed political support but exposed to exactly same religious impediments.

-In one way DP will never be voted for by the majority Moslems in Buganda as DP itself will loose any political significance wit h a Moslem electorate were ever it is.

-Along those lines – the Acoli and Baganda are now being even deeply divided by NRM or call it Bakiga/ Banyankole/(Bahima-Bairu) power struggle through – NRM well calculated strategy using very contradictory cultural tools and war.

-Baganda are so dump so to say can talk for themselves – so they seek mediums and intermediaries.

-Acoli and Baganda are fighting whose wars an what type of wars are these economic, political , cultural or religious

-and Luwero was fighting whose war – I have said in the past- were Luwero peasants supporting UPC of Anyanya breed? NO!

-Were they Baganda? YES

-Was the DP lumpen guerrilla led by Museveni Banyankole in Luwero? NO they were Baganda locating and killing UPC Baganda in Luwero!!!

-Exactly the same fate that has befell the Acoli, Acoli killing Acoli i.e. fighting a war which they have no crue at all

-Or a political agenda of NRM Africanisatio n policy in a free Arab Southern Christian Sudan State!!!

-and these societies will fall apart consequently- now enter Bimansulo, pornography, and KONY

-What will Professor Ssemakula Kiwanuka do that Dr. Kisamba Mugerwa and Professor Victoria Mwaka could not do under Alhaji Nadduli?

-What will DP do for Acoli that Hon Mao Nobert could not do for Acoli?

-So for us if ever anyone was to convince us Buganda and Acoli will ever be the same – two conditions must be met:

-One that Religious-Political square boxes and intoxication within these societies is driven out of their cultural institutions.

-That Islam in case of Buganda is elevated on the same levels as Catholics can Catholics hate for Islam is toned down( this will never happen)

-I have discovered, the intrigue between Buganda and UPC in the 60s, was/is more of a religious nature than politics-

-i.e. Baganda Moslem at least the majority will never vote DP they will vo te UPC as the Acoli cultural intrigue mixed with Catholicism will never allow them to settle politically.

-The future is very grim within these two societies – the only solution is to increase the economic class mix to eliminate religious influence in the day to day life style of these two tribes. ( this will take years out of the political minds)

-All the rest is non-sense –

-How many Baganda Catholics own factories or business in Uganda- count them on your figures. Everything that was catholical managed and business-wise prudent died with Cardinal Nsubuga.

-Moslems own a chain of business from meat sellers , coffee hauling machinery to non religiously financed BUT Islam schools as opposed to mission schools among the Catholics

-Recent Kampala rallies statements were made like " barinya enyonyi gwe okolaki " they get on planes what are you doing?

-And Luwero was very rich now it's a poor enclave –

-These statement are well ca lculated and saying one thing "Uganda has nothing to offer go for Kyeyo " (laughs) from a party that is attracting supporters

The end.


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