Can you define "A Mov't supporter"??  Secondly, why would a die hard of Acholi, Lango, Teso be on Ugandanet and Ugandacom instead of Acholinet, Langonet, Tesonet??
What do you mean by "a national forum"??  Buganda is part of Uganda, and must take her place among national issues, the same way Acholi, Lango, Teso war stories have been taken up as national issues. 
Trust me, Ugandanet and Ugandacom have been "national forums" that must and will continue to include Buganda in their discussions.  Buganda is the immortal heart of Uganda; the two can not be separated as long as the entiy called Uganda exists.  And NO, we shall not take Buganda's discussions to Bugandanet.  They must stay right here on Ugandanet and Ugandacom.
Zakoomu M.


Edward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Can you define "A UPC supporter" ? Secondly why would a die hard of Buganda
be on Ugandanet and Ugandacom instead of Bugandanet?

Your explanation fits where you were subscribed but if you meant Ugandanet,
it was and has been a national forum trust me all along.


The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

----- Original Message -----
From: "jonah kasangwawo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 2:15 PM
Subject: RE: ugnet_: OWE'K KASANGWAWO

> Mr Dada,
> I couldn't have put it better. The man is all over the place. He also
> that the longer he
> writes the more sense he makes - yet the opposite is true. Someone once
> that you can
> tell how intelligent a person is by how concise s/he can put down the
> relevant facts. Well, by
> looking at his ramblings below, you be the judge.
> Before I finish, let me expose the lie with which Mulindwa begins his
> posting. When I joined this forum a few years ago, Baganda-bashing was the
> daily hobby of some netters. Some people couldn't stand it anymore and
> decided to keep quiet, but a few people like myself started challenging
> unbecoming behaviour. After some of these bashers could not stand the
> they decided to shut up instead of further embarrassing themselves with
> baseless allegations against Baganda. As you probably can guess, most of
> these people are UPC supporters. What you see today still making baseless
> allegations are the remainder of these morons.
> Kasangwawo
> >From: "Adam Dada" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: RE: ugnet_: OWE'K KASANGWAWO
> >Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 09:03:47 +0000
> >
> >
> >"Mulindwa" - Your convoluted postings are indicative of your scattered
> >mind. Why do you need a page to state what can be said in a couple of
> >words, all of which is crap anyway. UPC is anathema in Buganda and parts
> >the North - period. Like your hero Obote, I can't see it surviving for
> >longer - they are both imminently doomed to extinction - thats the
> >- love it, loath it, but you brain somehow can't grasp that fact. As for
> >you, it hurts that y ou continue to admantly insist that you are a Muganda
> >and denounce us for some reason, as if owning up to your true origins
> >demean you and your stature somehow. We are all human beings, though with
> >varying degrees of civilization and devopment, which shouldn't really
> >matter, as long as were are as Northerners committed to at least doing
> >something for our folk who are doom stone age-style existence. I can't to
> >it alone, I need to enlist the assistance of my tribesmen like you.
> >is, they are all too eaten up by envying other areas, to realize that
> >things are nose-diving. As a matter of fact, even animals don't destroy
> >themselves the way we are doing to ourselves. Look at what Kony is doing
> >us, his own people! I can remember seeing that a similar thing in
> >or elsewhere in Uganda for that matter. "Mulindwa", Kipenji, Oracha el
> >please lets do something for our people. Leave the Baganda alone - it is
> >sheer stupidity, as if we are all bewitched!
> >Adam
> >
> >>From: "Edward Mulindwa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>Subject: ugnet_: OWE'K KASANGWAWO
> >>Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 22:13:11 -0400
> >>
> >>Mwaami Kasangwawo
> >>
> >>It is true that many Ugandans abandoned these forums for there is truly
> >>nothing much to gain. But there are those of us who feel that we as
> >>Ugandans
> >>can discuss matters of our nation from a backed up process than Munange
> >>bang'ambye, for that munange ba'ngabye is well and alive to the villages
> >>we
> >>are born. All I am trying to do is to change trend to see that we as
> >>Ugandans who have been abroad can surely up lift this debate from the
> >>Malwa
> >>talk to serious talk. For you know what? We are discussing matters which
> >>directly result into the loss of the lives of our people.
> >>
> >>Let me add as well that I was in the meeting in Toronto where it was
> >>decided
> >>that every Southerner must be militarily trained, a meeting which
> >>the infamous Chaka Muchaka, and the reasoning people like Professor
> >>now who is in Mbale University as a professor had, were that Uganda's
> >>atrocities were caused by Northerners. But as a Muganda I found that
> >>to
> >>believe either way for the following reasons
> >>
> >> ;1) State research bureau had the least Northerners, and I do not even
> >>remember a prominent northerner in State research, but it was an
> >>institution
> >>which killed a great number of people. But the majority of those
> >>were Baganda and Westerners including Rwandese. Acholis and Langis? Nah
> >>they
> >>were not in Nakasero.
> >>2) I can not remember any government  (again I am going to go with facts
> >>than nawulidde) that has made Buganda as powerful as she was under UPC
> >>government. Intelligent as I believe you are you surely know how many
> >>powerful ministerial positions Baganda hold in both UPC governments. Yes
> >>Museveni and NRM have given Baganda powerful positions, but Kiseka who
> >>a
> >>PM, died a beggar, a man who sold all he had including the land that
> > ;>no one knows where Kiseka's body is, for the owner of his land was
> >>by
> >>NRM to let a plot to lay in the body of Kiseka as a state funeral. What
> >>happened after the convoys left, you and I surely do not know. Andrew
> >>Kayiira was murdered, Edward Mugalu was shot day light, The whole pile
> >>Doctors we had in Doctor's village in were attacked and murdered by
> >>Fronasa
> >>during the Lule days. Many of whom were Baganda. I can give you a whole
> >>list
> >>of Baganda killed by this government. It baffles every right thinking
> >>Ugandan that all these NRM murders have gone un noticed by a man like
> >>and your fellow federalists. But how can you notice them when all of you
> >>believe that Museveni killed no body in Luwero District and Oyite Ojok
> >>killed 500 000 people?
> >>> >>++++++++(Now I know that this paragraph will be used to attack me as a
> >>supporter, and to those I will state that I have never had a plan to run
> >>out
> >>of Uganda until when UPC threw me into Makindye to until when my life
> >>on
> >>a wire, and there are many people both in Uganda and Kenya who saw me a
> >>week
> >>after the death of Oyite Ojok who mis took me for a dead person. Yes the
> >>days when Ssenyange's were in Nairobi drinking for a Ugandan is dead, I
> >>was
> >>praying hard that God helps me to see my body produce shit at least
> >>And Kasangwawo I wonder whether you were in Makindye ever? So before
> >>who were drinking in Nairobi attack me, should ask them selves why I
> >>bother
> >>this much?)+++++++++
> >>
> >>3) The year s I have been abroad have helped me to polish on my primitive
> >>thinking, and I have looked at Buganda issues very objectively. Unlikely
> >>Mr.
> >>Mukooza and Dada and Ssenyange and Dr Kigongo who believe that Uganda
> >>be build by Baganda. Or sorry I take that back, who think that Buganda
> >>developed and what we need to day is to wake up the stupid Kipenji and
> >>Grakanga and Matek to developed their area as Baganda developed it. I
> >>decided to ask my self a very simple question, why do Ugandans love UPC?
> >>Why
> >>is every body fighting for Obote's and none for Mutesa for example? That
> >>to
> >>today I do not know. But this I know, UPC believed and still believes in
> >>very high education. We can call Obote all bad names we have, but the
> >>bottom
> >>line remains that he got more schola rships for Buganda than all previous
> >>Uganda leaders combined. That includes Sir Edward Mutesa, President
> >>President Binayisa, up to and into Ssabasajja Mutebi. Who all happen to
> >>Baganda leaders. If you are careful you will realize that I have not
> >>included Paul Kawanga. (Yes he could get scholarship for Buganda for
> >>obote worked hard to overthrow Amin when he was not in power, and yes
> >>Baganda continued to get education abroad) or even Amin who had the
> >>money pumped into Uganda daily. Now having established that, why should
> >>Obote as a Northerner ever care to get a Muganda kid educated?
> >>
> >>4) If  Uganda atrocities were caused by Northerners, why has Uganda
> >>to settle down now 20 years after Obote left power?
> >>
> >>5) During my imprisonment in M akindye the people who fade us were
> >>Northerner, but a Muganda or Munyankole would not. And I am kindly
> >>challenging you to ask any one who was in Makindye, to tell us
> >>
> >>Let me not bore you for all these intricacies I am posting here are not
> >>for
> >>your grade. These are meat with bones which can be eaten by an adult. An
> >>adult who is willing to make statements and stand by them 20 years down
> >>the
> >>road, and I will give you the names of those who listened and called me
> >>stupid Muganda who does not know how Buganda is going to be okay under
> >>Museveni.
> >>1) Professor kasozi (Who is in Mbaale uni)
> >>2) Tomusange (Who was a lab tech in London but made a Ugandan ambassador
> >>in
> >>Ottawa for he was a Lule supporter)
> >>3) Dr Nakanyike (Who d ecided to leave Canada and go to Uganda to work
> >>a
> >>killer government)
> >>4) Dr Musisi -The husband of Nakanyike- (Who as well went to support the
> >>mass murderess)
> >>5) Rugundu (Who left Toronto after being offered a job as a Manager
> >>marketing Board -London office)
> >>6) Dr George Otto Who kindly resides in Toronto
> >>And I can continue on and on for I have lots.
> >>
> >>In conclusion Mwaami Kasangwawo and your good Baganda, you have hurt our
> >>cause. A cause of people like my self who has never got a pant from
> >>or
> >>Amin or Mutesa or Mutebi or Museveni. A people who know that if a
> >>Northerner
> >>or a Southerner or a Moslem or Catholic leads Uganda it does not matter
> >>will still have to go to work. A people who love Buganda where we were
> >>born
> >>and love it as a cultural entity and not as a political entity. A people
> >>who
> >>know that there is no political development that can be achieved in
> >>other than through political party's. As people who have accepted that
> >>Ugandans love UPC and the only way we can oppose that is by either
> >>refusing
> >>Ugandans to love that party or by studying what it does. For when we
> >>in
> >>the future of Uganda, either way you slice it, UPC is here to stay, for
> >>after 20 years Ugandans still march on Kampala road with UPC uniforms.
> >>
> >>Is Obote forcing Ugandans to put on UPC uniforms and march on Kampala
> >>when he is in Lusaka?
> >>
> >>Your making this debate a tribal debate, and turning it into Baganda and
> >>Norther ners, has denied us the chance to have a legitimate and adult
> >>discussion where we can put UPC as a party to carpet. UPC has a lot of
> >>explaining to do. There are those of us who were imprisoned during Obote
> >>two, and we want to be allowed to ask why? There are those of us who
> >>wonder
> >>why the difference between UPC one and UPC two. But we can not ask those
> >>questions when you have made Uganda issue a Baganda developed, a
> >>Northerner
> >>primitive and federalism a Uganda last pill. And that takes away our
> >>opportunity to have a good but serious discussion on these and other
> >>matters
> >>of importance about Uganda.
> >>
> >>I hope you help every one in these forums to uplift this discussion from
> >>the
> >>ghettoes the federalist have thrown it into.
> >>
> >>Em
> >>Toronto
> >>
> >>  The Mulindwas Communication Group
> >>"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
> >>             Groupe de communication Mulindwas
> >>"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
> >>
> >>----- Original Message -----
> >>From: "jonah kasangwawo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 6:41 PM
> >>Subject: RE: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here
> >>
> >>
> >> > Mulindwa,
> >> >
> >> > the only idiot here is you and gang who obstinately refuse to believe
> >>the
> >> > facts as confirmed even
> >> > by independent sources.
> >> >> >> > That aside, I found the reason you gave for the introduction of a
> >>register
> >> > quite amusing. You seem to think that everyone is on welfare like you
> >>while
> >> > you at the same time travel to far places like Winnipeg or even Hong
> >>Kong
> >> > for kyeyo ! I hope they don't find out about these extra activities
> >> > yours, otherwise your welfare check might be confiscated.
> >> >
> >> > Kasangwawo
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > >From: "Edward Mulindwa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> > >Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> > >Subject: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here
> >> > >Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 20:30:14 -0400
> >> > >
> >> > >Zakoomu
> >> > >
> >> > >Is Kipenji from the North?
> >> > >
> >> > >Apparently straight questions are never answered in this forum.
> >>Remember
> >> > >the idiot who stated that Oyite Ojok murdered 500 000 Baganda in
> >>Luwero
> >> > >District? Facts faced him and he dumped his tail right where it
> >>belongs
> >>in
> >> > >his legs. That is why I continue that we can never put changes in
> >>Uganda
> >> > >until when we make a national register a mandatory, we need to
> >>register
> >>all
> >> > >Ugandans, finger print them and make a national identity card. In
> >>way
> >> > >we will kill two birds with two stones (a) If you make allegations
> >>some
> >> > >one, you can be sued and your well fare check can be confiscated and
> >>(b)
> >> > >You will not have a right to be Mukooza and call your self Zakoomu.
> >> > >
> >> > >We must create a sense of accountability in our society it is as
> >>important
> >> > >as nothing more.
> >> > >
> >> > >Em
> >> > >Toronto
> >> > >
> >> > >  The Mulindwas Communication Group
> >> > >"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
> >> > >             Groupe de communication Mulindwas
> >> > >"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
> >> > >
> >> > >   ----- Original Message -----
> >> > >   From: Rehema Mukooza
> >> > >   Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 8:14 PM
> >> > >   Subject: ugnet_: Re: Oyite-Ojok's_family_secrets_buried_here
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > >   Kipenji:
> >> > >
> >> > >   How can Adam Dada be an IDIOT??  He is speaking the truth, unlike
> >>you
> >> > >who is in denial of under development of the North.  In the North,
> >>people
> >> > >are still living in grass thatched houses and you are trying to deny
> >>it.
> >> > >You galla be livin' la vida fantasia.
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > >   Zakoomu M.
> >> > >
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