The other day I asked whether you ever thought about the Rwanda genocide happening in Uganda to the acholi people. These "acholi rebels" (?) are slowly but surely fueling other tribes.  
Here is another prediction below.
The news out of Lira in the last few days are very troubling. In addition to the horrific  massacre of people in a camp north of Lira on the weekend,  some Acoli civilians were lynched today. I just spoke to a relative in Lira, who told me that things are so tense that the Acoli community in Lira has been rounded up by the security forces and taken into "protective custody" to save them from the wrath of angry Langi.
With militias being trained and armed in Lira, Gulu, Kitgum and Pader , the potential for a Rwandan-style genocide in northern Uganda is ever- growing. We already have the armed groups...UPDF, LRA,  Amuka militia, Arrow boys, LDU's, militias in Gulu, Kitgum and Pader. We have the bitterness in place...  LRA are angry with civilians, people in the camps are angry with UPDF, LRA, etc; the Acholi militias hate the LRA; and the Amuka militia in Lango and the Arrow Brigade in Teso all hate the Acholi!
The victims are in place...the innocent people in the camps. By putting them all in large camps, they could be killed in large numbers by a relatively small force!  The only thing still missing is a trigger. In Rwanda, it was the shooting down of President Habyarimana's plane that trigerred the onset of the genocide!
In northern Uganda, God knows what the trigger is going to be, but it is coming. Incidents like the massacre in a camp north of Lira last weekend could ignite a round of revenge attacks and killings that can spiral out of control! I would not be suprised if a group of Amuka militia attack one of the camps in Pader district near the border with Lira and massacre people there! If the Acoli militia chooses to pursue them, the UPDF will likely fold their hands and watch!
I appeal to our political leaders in Parliament and the district councils to preach restraint to our people in Acholi, Lango and Teso. The Government of Uganda does not appear to care at this point.  We should do everything possible to alert the world to the disaster now unfolding in northern Uganda. We need to invoke the ghosts of Rwanda to push the international community to save our people! Personally, I am preparing an article which I will send to the Canadian Foreign Minister and the Canadian press.  
George Otto

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