
anybody with a minute grey matter logged up in his/her cranium would have long concluded, that in order to solve a problem, you must first and foremost thoroughly diagnose the problem. Then and only then can one prescribe the medicine to relief the patient of his ailments.

But not with this South Africans ..the man wants to use KIFUWA... they simply charge like a blind bull in a dark environment in an effort to solve a problem about which they have no clue how it started or progress over the years!!!

I feel sorry for this Bwana South African Defense Minister. Yes indeed South African Defense forces are going to stay in Burundi (mark my word...until thy Kingdom COME!!!..and at the end  nothing would have been solved!


S.Africa says will keep its forces in Burundi

CAPE TOWN, Feb 9 (Reuters) - South Africa said on Monday it would keep its peacekeeping forces in the troubled central African nation of Burundi for as long as they were needed.


anybody with a minute grey matter logged up in his/her cranuim  would have long concluded, that in order to solve a problem, you must first and foremost  thouroughly  diagonise the problem. Then and only then can one precribe the medicine to  relief the patient of his ailments.

But no with this South Africans... they simply charge like a blind bull in a dark enviroment  and an effort to solve a problem about which they have no clue  how  it started or progress over the years!!!


South Africa has led a campaign to end conflict in the Great Lakes region and has sent troops to support its peace efforts in Burundi and bigger neighbour, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Foreign Affairs Minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma told a news briefing in Cape Town it was hoped the United Nations would ultimately take over the mission.

"I'm sure we will be able to keep that mission there until the time comes for the U.N. to take it over, but obviously it is not easy. It is an expensive mission and we have to try and find funders. On the South African side, itself, we can keep our own mission there," she said.

The U.N. has been reluctant to send peacekeepers to the region and says it wanted "total peace" before it could risk international troops.

An estimated 300,000 people have died in fighting between rebels from the Hutu majority and the army, controlled by the minority but politically powerful Tutsis, over the past decade.

A transitional government, set up with the assistance of chief mediator South African deputy president Jacob Zuma, is overseeing the formation of a new national army, integrating the Tutsi-dominated force with former Hutu rebels.

South Africa, Ethiopia and Mozambique have sent troops to protect politicians serving in the transitional government.

02/09/04 09:46 ET

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state."

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister

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