Safeguard Africa’s resources/ Zim Herald

Editor — I would like to air my views on the issue of Africa’s resources.

The point that I would like to make is that all true Africans must make an effort to safeguard their natural resources.

It is clear that Europe as it stands does not have enough resources to sustain its population without some assistance from Africa.

Our leaders must therefore dictate the terms of trade to Europe in our favour because these people are in actual fact the beggars and we are the choosers.

If all African presidents could follow President Mugabe's lead then in no time at all Africans will be in control and Europe will be in its actual place of begging and not choosing.

To all true Zimbabweans I say let’s fight the system and build our own destiny on our values and not on the shifting sands of Western greediness.

Ignatius Nehwowa.


"Ivinicus factus sum veritabem diceus." ( I have become an enemy for speaking the truth ) St Paul!
Mitayo Potosi

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