Hear hear  hear YEA ALL !!

[ Geninuine nationalist  can ,  should  and often do emerge even in spite of the enviroment now pertaining in  Yoweri Museveni Uganda.  However,  we must at all times watch out for "fifth columinst" who are in cahoots  with  our oppressors ( the MI6, CIA  e.t.c)  and whose goal  is to perpectually  subjugate us. Great African  liberator  like , Malcolm X , have often warned us of the HOUSE NEGRO!!!


The Museveni era has increased tribalism and sectarianism in the country, so it is still difficult for genuine nationalists to emerge and be listened to.

Moreover, Museveni is still the blue-eyed boy of the IMF, World Bank, the Western countries in general, and pseudo-investors. They want him to remain in power so that they can exploit Uganda more.

Additionally, both Ugandan intellectuals and the middle class are too fragile to cause serious political changes.

Many parliamentarians do not see their role as being to ensure accountability of the government to the people. Instead, they see their role as being to support whatever Museveni's government says.

It is only Museveni and the army who can cause significant changes in the politics of Uganda. But this might not be possible because of Museveni's control over the army and his ethnic connections with the top soldiers.

It is difficult to see how Bidandi Ssali will win such a difficult war. But as some people say, politics is a game of many possibilities and anything can happen in Africa.

Dr Frank Nabwiso is a Member of Parliament for Kagoma constituency

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