Bwana Vukoni:

I do not deserve that title yet.  The Toronto conference went better than I expected.  We had delegates from around the world and from all corners of Uganda.  That amazed me (in a positive way) given the sometimes dismissive tone on this forum regarding the Genocide occurring in northern Uganda. 

Media present were:  Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Readers Digest, Toronto Star, Ottawa Citizen, New Vision.  Live interviews: Radio France International,Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

To me personally, it was Ugandans and friends at their best.  There is a press release at:


At 12:18 PM 7/14/2004 -0700, you wrote:
Hello Prof. Otim,
How did the kacoke in Toronto go?

Ochan Otim
NB:  I hope you will find time to read and sign a petition to stop the Northern Uganda carnage at:

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