UK humbled again

By a Special Correspondent
What a blow it was for the British foreign service, for Jack Straw and for the
Queen’s blue-eyed boy, Tony Blair following the devastating defeat in their own
backyard at the ACP-EU meeting in Brussels.

Following yet another diplomatic failure in Johannesburg, it was Tony Blair who
told a crowd in Alexander, South Africa, that Cdes Mugabe and Nujoma’s
statements at the summit were lone voices and did not represent the position of
African countries.

But after the Monday defeat, the Africans and those from the territories once
raped and plundered by the Europeans have spoken loud and clear. And no
amount of machination from Downing Street can spin the monumental and dismal
failure of British diplomacy and propaganda.

"This is being held out by the Zimbabweans, quite erroneously as an action of
unanimous solidarity by the ACP countries for their racist policies . . . This has
fallen into their laps like manna from heaven.

"It was an act of sheer provocation to include the two ministers who are on the
travel ban list,'' said Glenys Kinnock, a British member of the European Parliament
who was to co-chair the meeting.

You bet! It was provocation on the part of the Europeans to think that they could
behave the way they did at the 1885 Berlin conference where they divided our
continent without any consent of the inhabitance of Africa.

Let Mr Kinnock be reminded that this is 2002 and not 1902. The leaders of the
Third World might be poor financially after the centuries of looting by Western
powers, but they have since known all the tricks and the tactics of divide and
humiliate which the Western powers have employed since recorded history.

In this day and age, the Europeans still think dangling pittance in the name of aid
to some leaders of poor nation will work as checkbook diplomacy.

This week in Brussels, they were told in no uncertain terms to keep their money,
and we will keep our dignity.

In the past, they have subjected most of our leaders to morally unjustifiable
compromises that in the end humiliated nations and the Monday decision serves
to mark the end of their game.

ACP represents 76 African, Caribbean and Pacific nations and all are members of
the United Nations which has 191 member states.

This goes to demonstrate to Downing Street what the opinion of the world is on
their unjustified diplomatic assault on this great nation.

Turning back to our own backyard, one wonders what Morgan Tsvangirai and his
MDC know, that all these nations who support the land reform don’t know.

Stubborn like a donkey, the opposition has consistently and relentlessly seen the
British as the angels who have never wronged the people of this country.

They have pretended that the reversal of past injustices is a crime and they expect
their supporters to agree.

Even the British foreign secretary has publicly, in the House of Commons
conceded that the "Evil" Empire was responsible for the present problems
Zimbabwe is grappling with.

Our only consolation is "some people never learn" and Tsvangirai epitomises
those people.

President Mugabe has held the ACP with all the seriousness it deserves and the
Monday victory in Brussels goes to demonstrate the genuine solidarity he has
cemented with all the countries that supported the Zimbabwean position.

For Zimbabwe, it was yet again a sweet victory against British imperialism and for
the British it was devastating humiliation and a lesson that demands a revision of
the European foreign policy towards Zimbabwe.

It was also a lesson to the other 14 European countries that they need to desist
from following the British lead on Zimbabwe.

They should of course make their own informed policy towards this country.

Britain has never proved to be a reliable leader on any international mission.
Manipulation is their game and when caught with their pants down, they always
try and fail to explain the need to manipulate.

It is common knowledge that they have been sent to the drawing board but we are
looking forward to another diplomatic humiliation.

The only way they can win their case against Zimbabwe is to assume
responsibility of the colonial pillage and make efforts to mend what is mendable.

We were here, we suffered under their oppression. We never voted during their
misrule. We were never given equal opportunities under their laws.

They incarcerated thousands of our people who demanded to be treated as equals.
They killed our people who yearned for freedom. And we were there when they
not only turned a blind eye at the UDI but instead supported the man and a
system that brutalised our nation.

Who do they take us for? Who do they take the rest of the world for? They can
shout until they turn blue but the land we hold is ours and nothing will change

Mr Blair can keep his money and we will keep our dignity.

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