War of words as Rwanda marks genocide
By Declan Walsh in Nairobi
18 March 2004

A bitter war of words has erupted between Rwanda and France just
weeks before the central African nation marks the 10th anniversary of
the genocide of 800,000 people.

Western heads of state are due in the capital, Kigali, next month to
commemorate the 100-day slaughter, which was sparked by the
assassination of Rwandan president, Juvenal Habyarimana, on 6 April
1994. What should be a moment of sombre reflection is, however, being
marred by a furious exchange of accusations, centred on a murder
mystery that is as central to Rwanda's history as the Kennedy
assassination is to that of the United States.

Last week the French newspaper Le Monde reported that the current
Rwandan leader, Paul Kagame, was responsible for the shooting down of
the presidential jet as it approached Kigali airport in 1994. The
allegation, based on an as-yet unpublished judicial investigation,
contradicts the widely held belief that Hutu extremists carried out
the attack to trigger a pre-meditated elimination plan against the
Tutsi minority.

President Kagame launched a counter-attack in which he accused French
troops of being "directly" involved in the massacres. "They [the
French] knew about it. They supported it. They provided weapons, they
gave orders and instructions to those who carried out the genocide,"
he told Radio France International on Tuesday. "They also took part
in the operations directly: at checkpoints on roads to identify
people according to their ethnic background, by punishing the Tutsis
and showing favouritism to the Hutus."

The intrigue was heightened by the sudden "discovery" of a key piece
of evidence in a filing cabinet in New York. After denying for years
it had the presidential jet's flight recorder, United Nations
officials said last week that they had found it. The fiasco is
another embarrassment for the UN, which was accusing of standing by
in 1994 as extremists butchered Tutsis and moderate Hutus in their

The Le Monde story was based on a six-year investigation by the judge
Jean-Louis Bruguière, which was requested by the families of the
French team piloting the Falcon 50 jet. His report, which has not
been published, names two dissidents from the now-ruling Rwandan
Patriotic Front (RPF), who are living in exile. They reportedly
identified the then rebel leader, Mr Kagame, as having ordered the
use of surface-to-air missiles against the jet.

Analysts say that the assassin's identity remains a mystery. Gérard
Prunier, a French academic who wrote a respected account of the
genocide, said he was "unsure" of the Le Monde allegations but that
Mr Kagame's allegations against France were "crazy".

"Certainly, France was politically responsible for the genocide, and
there are people with an axe to grind in Paris, but these claims are
just ridiculous," he said. The current row is a continuation of the
debate over responsibility for the genocide, which has drawn
historians, politicians and journalists in to an argument in which
there is little middle ground.

As UK international development secretary, Clare Short gave millions
in aid to Rwanda, and was widely perceived as Mr Kagame's ally. On
the other side Alison Des Forges, a renowned human rights researcher,
was branded a "genocide apologist" by Kigali last year for her
criticism of persecution of the political opposition, particularly
during August's heavily tilted presidential elections.

The key question is whether President Kagame's RPF rebels also
carried ethnic slaughter of Hutus after the genocide on a scale
similar to the pogrom of Tutsis.

Some have already changed their minds. M. Prunier is revising
sections of his book that glossed over reports of RPF revenge
massacres, something that he now says was "a mistake".

He estimates that the RPF massacred up to 450,000 Hutus - almost two-
thirds of the genocide death toll - in Rwanda and Congo in the wake
of the 1994 slaughter. He said: "I used to think there were good guys
and bad guys in this. Now I am 100 per cent convinced there are only
bad guys."

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