What happened to honesty, integrity?

Once upon a time, one could leave oneâs washing on the line outside for the night, go to sleep and wake up in the morning to find it still hanging on it.
That is not the case today. You leave your washing at your own risk.
What has happened between that time and now? First, I believe that the increased population has had to do with it. In the 50s, one could walk miles before coming to the next neighbour. We were around five million Ugandans.

Today we are 24 million.Secondly, Ugandans today are suffering from loss of identity. When we were few, we knew whose child it was who was standing around the corner. Now there are so many children that even Rev. Kefa Ssempangi does not know who is who.

Thirdly, itâs the loss of moral values. Those days, a leader â from the village chief to the king - was a respectable and respected person. Today, a leader does not necessarily have to be respected. The deciding principle is whether he has money or not. How he gets that money does not matter at all.

Fourthly, the value Ugandans attach to their assignments. An askari who is employed to guard you and your property is the first person to steal your property or collude with people who will steal it, and perhaps kill you.

A commissioner spends years on an inquiry only to disown the final report at the end of it.I am suggesting a turning to Jesus as the most reliable recourse.

I am also appealing to fellow citizens to re-evaluate the age old values of honesty and integrity. We cannot police every homestead and every public place in Uganda but we can police our hearts where all sorts of evils begin.

Jerome Nkurukenzire,


Like  the saying goes... the fish rots from the head first. The NRM Military dictatorship lacks any sense of moral Integrity  or Honesty. This NRM, from Bataranzi, Museveni, Salim Saleh, Otafire,  e.t c  specialise in LIES.

The very essence of the regime is based on lies....and now , as always, LIES,  in one way or another will MOST DEFINITELY catch up with  you. Just give it some time.  I am sure the European are beginning to appreciate the Real NRM  they have been dealing with.


"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state."

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister

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