2014-09-28 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa


Way back when we were still in Ugandanet I complained about an RC3 in Kireka 
that I visited and he had a mini barracks of soldiers guarding his home. And 
that is way back before even UAH was so created. Had you not been a great 
supporter of The Movement at a time you would have seen something wrong with 
that situation at a time, you would have been abreast on how The movement uses 
guards and 40 soldiers to guard a Prime Minister would have never surprised you 
a single bit.


It is good you have started to play catch up in 2014 on a government that has 
been in power this long.



On the 49th Parallel  

 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 


2014-09-27 16:32 GMT-07:00 WB :

I was also  surprised that he had 40 soldiers guarding his Kololo home.  I 
never used to see so many GSU officers guard state House Nairobi. 
Mark you we are talking about Kololo which is one of the safest neighbourhoods 
in Kampala.  So how many guard his Kinkizi home?




Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 00:26:42 +0100
CC: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 



You ask good questions. Hopefully we get answers from Robukui. I was surprised 
to learn from today's Monitor that Mbabazi was being guarded by atleast 40 
soldiers. Wow!


It shows that the guy had a lot of enemies who may want to harm him. So, how is 
he gonna protect himself from these enemies?



On Sat, Sep 27, 2014 at 11:53 PM, WB  wrote:

Mr Robukui:
Your posting raises several questions



A)Did those NRA officers buy those Kololo homes or they simply moved in and 
that meant ownership? Did they ever pay even a dollar as consideration to seal 
their ownership?




B)You write that Mr. Mbabazi's home was not searched yet it was reported in 
the media that even posho bags were turned upside! How do you reconcile that 
assertion with yours?  Do you think Brigadier Kyanda went to the house to 
withdrawal, military guards and not retrieve the SMG, pistol and ammunitions? 
Put differently, do you think Brigadier could go to pick up flags and forget 
those heavy bunduki?




C) It was reported in UAH that his aide Captain Katabazi had fled to 
London. Any truth to that? 




D) What is the fate of as you put it his right hand man Colonel Victor 
Twesigye, now NRA Director of Communication (Signals)?  




E) You write that Mr. Mbabazi had similar military installation in his 
rural home in Kinkizi. Has the home been visited as Brigadier Kyanda put it to 
recover their [army] things?






Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 12:02:40 -0700
To: ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 


2014-09-28 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa

* A key U.S. ally against
ISIS frequently beheads people for non-lethal crimes

Saudi Arabia, an key U.S. ally against ISIS, frequently beheads people for
non-lethal crimes. CNN's Brian Todd reports.

 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko


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2014-09-28 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa
Obama: The 'yes we can' president with the 'at least I tried' legacy

US President Barack Obama 

Tue Sep 23, 2014 3:29AM GMT


Gary Younge , The Guardian 

On September 30, 2011 Barack Obama woke up to the news that his order to
kill Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen living in Yemen, in a drone attack
had been carried out successfully. That afternoon, according to Mark
Helperin and John Heilemann’s book Double Down, the US president addressed
his inner core in the White House Roosevelt room about issues on which he
felt he should be truer to his progressive roots. Three years later, he is
still wrestling with most of them.

There was climate change: last week his administration confirmed it would
give nothing to assist poor countries to make the transition from fossil
fuels and protect their citizens from climate change-related catastrophes.
Immigration reform: two weeks ago he reneged on his pledge to deal with it
through executive authority by the summer’s end, postponing his efforts
until the end of the year. Poverty: last week saw the first drop in the
poverty rate since 2006 – that’s good news, even if it does remain
considerably higher than when he took office. Israel/Palestine: we saw how
that panned out over the summer. Guantánamo Bay: still open. And gay
marriage – which he eventually came out and supported.

The point he drummed home during the election was that if the Republicans
won, things would be worse. That was true. And he managed to convince the
electorate. But what he conceded that day in the Roosevelt room was that he
could do better on his own terms. That remains true.

Naturally, this is about more than Obama. He ran as the embodiment of
liberal electoral aspirations, and now he stands as the emblem of the
limitations on those aspirations. He sits at the center of a system that is
openly gerrymandered and in which you have to pay to play. He might have
done better, but there was insufficient pressure from below. His tenure
proves just how little progressive change is possible through the ballot box
in the absence of social movements. It is not about him. But it is through
his presidency that these aspirations have been filtered.

When it comes to the public’s general view on how he is doing his job, the
verdict is pretty grim – Obama’s approval ratings have not touched 50% since
May. When his abilities are assessed more specifically, it’s even worse. His
administration’s approval ratings for handling the economy, foreign policy
and immigration are all significantly lower. As November’s midterm elections
approach, Democratic candidates in tight races are running away from him.
Most Americans have not felt the country has been moving in the right
direction since he came to power; most still think they are in a recession.

That’s the good news. The bad news is that the question about the potential
of his presidency is rapidly shifting from a matter of opinion to one of
time. He’s had six years. Notwithstanding events, whatever he was going to
do he’s done already. Claims that he is dealing with the mess of his
predecessor or being obstructed by unreasonable Republicans now sound weak,
even when they’re true. History will judge him by his achievements, not his
obstacles. His campaign slogan was “Yes we can”; those who defend him by
blaming others carve a presidential epitaph that reads: “At least he tried.”
After the midterms, when the entire House of Representatives and a third of
the Senate are up for grabs, it won’t just be his performance that’s in
question but his relevance.

First, people will be looking over his shoulder at candidates for 2016. With
more than a year to go before primaries, the media class is already obsessed
by who’s eating steak in Iowa, breaking bread in New Hampshire or throwing
rubber chicken fundraisers in South Carolina (three key early-voting
states). Moreover, those Democratic candidates will have to both distinguish
and, arguably, distance themselves from the unpopular incumbent. Hillary
Clinton has already started. Last month she berated the administration for
failing to back the Syrian rebels earlier in the civil war, which, she
argued, facilitated the rise of Islamic State: “The failure to do that left
a big vacuum, which the jihadists [sic] have now filled,” she said.

Second, because Congress – the very body that Obama blames for stymieing his
agenda – will become more oppositional, not less. Republicans already
control the house and are not likely to lose it. They need a net gain of six
seats to win the Senate. They can safely count on three. If they don’t lose
any (an increasingly big if) there are seven more states from which they
might win the rest. With states as varied as Alaska and Louisiana in play,
the situation is too volatile to predict if they will succeed. But one can
say with near certainty that by Thanksgiving there will be more Republicans
in the Senate than there are now.

Obama has a legacy. A survey last week showed the 


2014-09-28 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa
Would my blood test still cost $1,132 if the US had a public health option?

Blood testing. Marc Rubin was quoted a price of $1,132 for a recent test.

Fri Mar 7, 2014 9:13AM GMT


Marc Rubin, Common Dreams 

I recently went for a routine blood test as part of my yearly physical and
went back to the same lab I had been going to for the same test the last few
years. This time however, after handing over my insurance card, I was told
they were no longer an in-network provider for my health insurance carrier
(my carrier is one of the biggest in the country). At first, I didn't care
since my insurance plan allows me to see any provider, in-network or not.
The difference is in the co-pay. No co-pay for the blood test with an
in-network provider, a co-pay for out of network.

Given that the temperature outside was around 4F (-15.6C) with -10F (-23.3C)
wind chills I was inclined to stay where I was and fork over what I thought
would be a $25 or $50 co-pay. I figured that in the time it took to put on
my sweater, scarf, coat, hat, gloves and warm up the car, I could stay where
I was and just be done with it.

So I asked the administrator what the co-pay would be. She said she couldn't
tell me since she didn't have my specific plan information, but she could
tell me the cost of the blood test and the co-pay would probably be in the
20-30% range. I asked her to look it up since I had decided to stay and get
it over with. Until she told me the cost of the blood test: $1,132.

Needless to say, I had no problem putting on my sweater, hat, gloves and
scarf and braving the wind chills to drive to an in-network lab to pay

Plenty of Americans have stories similar to mine of mind-boggling healthcare
expenses and bureaucracy. It's one of Obamacare's biggest failures – one
that will never be fixed as long as Obamacare remains in its present form –
and it has nothing to do with website glitches.

Aside from the very real and obvious problems that Obamacare will never sign
up anywhere near the number of young, healthy uninsured Americans needed to
make the system viable, Obamacare does nothing to address the root problem
in healthcare: costs, which have a domino effect on everything.

A $1,132 blood test is insane. Obamacare does nothing and will do nothing to
address that, which means the obscenely high health insurance premiums will
remain, and the uninsured still won't be able to afford coverage. If you
don't qualify for substantial subsidies, which most people don't, premiums
for even the lowest tier plans for a single person making over $45,000 are
around $200 to $300 a month. Even worse, they come with high deductibles of
$6,000, 40% co-pays and limited access to what doctors they can see. 

Even though my blood test in the end cost me nothing, the insurance company
will still get a bill from the lab for something along the lines of $1,132,
which it will pay. That cost will be passed on to everyone else in the form
of insurance premiums that will be high enough to cover the cost of the test
AND make a profit for the insurance company.

Obamacare, even in concept, was certain to be a failure. The better option
would have been a government run, public option similar to the NHS in the
United Kingdom or Canada's system. Democrats had the votes to pass a public
option, but they didn't because their leadership, namely Nancy Pelosi and
Harry Reid, decided it was better not to embarrass Obama, who had already
decided to capitulate to the health insurance lobby and drop the public

The public option would have offered healthcare coverage and access for a
fraction of what private insurance companies charge because the government
isn't in the business of making a profit. The US would basically have
Medicare-for-all type coverage. Consider that General Motors has stated that
the health insurance premiums they pay for their employees add over $1,500
to the cost of every car, and you start to see the impact lower healthcare
costs and a public option would have on the overall economy.

Experts on the economics of healthcare and the Congressional Budget Office
all say the same thing: Obamacare in its current form does nothing to reduce
the cost of healthcare in the US. The best the supporters of Obamacare can
offer is that it is slowing the rate of increase meaning that Obamacare is
making an insane system get even more insane but at a slower rate, which is
Cuckoo's Nest healthcare reform. 

Obama and the Democrats were pummeled (and will continue to be) over the
president's promise that if you like your health insurance you can keep it
when insurance companies started canceling policies that didn't meet
Obamacare standards. The news media and Republicans had a field day as the
media kept showing video clips of Obama at town hall meetings in June, July
and August of 2009 saying if you like your health insurance you can keep

The problem is Obama wasn't saying that about Obamacare. Back then, he said
that about 


2014-09-28 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa
The hidden impact of Obamacare and the economy

Repealing the health care law is a top message in several Senate campaigns.

Sun Dec 22, 2013 6:19PM GMT


Jacqueline Leo, The Fiscal Times 

Obamacare has delivered another sucker punch to the middle class. This time
it’s sticker shock. 

Now that a few people can get past the tech problems of and
actually see the real cost of insurance plans available, they are finding
that Affordable Care is big hit to the family budget. And when the family
budget gets hit in the solar plexus, guess what happens to consumer spending
and the economy. 

In California, policies for about 900,000 Californians are being canceled
because of Obamacare’s mandates and about two-third of these do not qualify
for subsidies, according to The Chicago Tribune. The result—these folks will
be paying higher premiums.

In Alabama, premiums have doubled for some middle class families like
Courtney Long, a stay-at-home mother of four. She told WHNT News. “It’s
devastating. I started crying,” said Long. “I mean, we have worked so hard
to get out of credit card debt, get ahead on the car loan, transfer our
mortgage to a 15 from a 30 year mortgage… and for what?”

In Tennessee, Senator Lamar Alexander, a Republican, issued an analysis of a
White House report and found the following:

- Today, a 27-year-old man in Memphis can buy a plan for as low as $41 a
month. On the exchange, the lowest state average is $119 a month — a 190
percent increase.

- Today, a 27-year-old woman in Nashville can also buy a plan for as low as
$58 a month. On the exchange, the lowest-priced plan in Nashville is $114 a
month — a 97 percent increase. Even with a tax subsidy, that plan is $104 a
month, almost twice what she could pay today.

- Today, women in Nashville can choose from 30 insurance plans that cost
less than the administration says insurance plans on the exchange will cost,
even with the new tax subsidy.

- In Nashville, 105 insurance plans offered today will not be available in
the exchange.

In Washington State, Obamacare will increase the underlying cost of
individually purchased health insurance by 34-80 percent on average,
according to Forbes.  The list goes on and on and includes Texas, Florida,
New York, Illinois, Georgia and North Carolina.  But premiums are just the
beginning. The deductibles are outrageous, too.  

A piece in Saturday’s The New York Times tells the story of Doug and Ginger
Chapman, ages 55 and 54, a middle class couple “sitting on the health care
cliff.”  Their annual income of around $100,000 a year makes them ineligible
for a subsidy in New Hampshire (if they earned under $94,000, it would cut
their costs by half). They have to replace their family insurance which
includes the two of them and their two sons. The premium cost alone, not
including any deductible is $1,000 a month, or 12 percent of their income. 

The Times’ analysis found the following:

“The cost of premiums for people who just miss qualifying for subsidies
rises rapidly for people in their 50s and 60s. In some places, prices can
quickly approach 20 percent of a person’s income. Experts consider health
insurance unaffordable once it exceeds 10 percent of annual income. By that
measure, a 50-year-old making $50,000 a year, or just above the qualifying
limit for assistance, would find the cheapest available plan to be
unaffordable in more than 170 counties around the country, ranging from
Anchorage to Jackson, Miss.”

The other group that gets disproportionately hit is the young, according to
Forbes.  For a 40 year old, the 2013 average deductible was $4,045, and the
cost increased 29 percent to $309. For a 64-year-old man, the cost of a plan
with a $3,494 deductible increased 64 percent to $806.

The Real impact of Obamacare is yet to come

If even a fraction of the middle class and upper middle income earners
divert some of their discretionary dollars to pay for health care, it will
have a significant impact on consumer spending. What will that mean for the
economy? Consumer spending accounts for about 70 percent of the nation’s
GDP, although experts say that number is likely to decline.

The top 20 percent of income earners account for about 40 percent of all
spending in the US.  When you increase the costs of health care and the new
taxes associated with Obamacare, you can hear the wallets closing.


 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
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2014-09-28 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa
21 ways Canadian healthcare better than Obamacare

In the United States, a majority – many for different reasons – oppose

Fri Nov 22, 2013 8:41PM GMT






Ralph Nader, Common Dreams 

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Dear America: 

Costly complexity is baked into Obamacare. No health insurance system is
without problems but Canadian style single-payer full Medicare for all is
simple, affordable, comprehensive and universal. 

In the early 1960s, President Lyndon Johnson enrolled 20 million elderly
Americans into Medicare in six months. There were no websites. They did it
with index cards! 

Below please find 21 Ways the Canadian Health Care System is Better than

Repeal Obamacare and replace it with the much more efficient single-payer,
everybody in, nobody out, free choice of doctor and hospital. 

Love, Canada 

Number 21: 
In Canada, everyone is covered automatically at birth - everybody in, nobody

In the United States, under Obamacare, 31 million Americans will still be
uninsured by 2023 and millions more will remain underinsured. 

Number 20: 
In Canada, the health system is designed to put people, not profits, first. 

In the United States, Obamacare will do little to curb insurance industry
profits and will actually enhance insurance industry profits. 

Number 19: 
In Canada, coverage is not tied to a job or dependent on your income - rich
and poor are in the same system, the best guaranty of quality. 

In the United States, under Obamacare, much still depends on your job or
income. Lose your job or lose your income, and you might lose your existing
health insurance or have to settle for lesser coverage. 

Number 18: 
In Canada, health care coverage stays with you for your entire life. 

In the United States, under Obamacare, for tens of millions of Americans,
health care coverage stays with you for as long as you can afford your

Number 17: 
In Canada, you can freely choose your doctors and hospitals and keep them.
There are no lists of “in-network” vendors and no extra hidden charges for
going “out of network.” 

In the United States, under Obamacare, the in-network list of places where
you can get treated is shrinking - thus restricting freedom of choice - and
if you want to go out of network, you pay for it. 

Number 16: 
In Canada, the health care system is funded by income, sales and corporate
taxes that, combined, are much lower than what Americans pay in premiums. 

In the United States, under Obamacare, for thousands of Americans, it’s pay
or die - if you can’t pay, you die. That’s why many thousands will still die
every year under Obamacare from lack of health insurance to get diagnosed
and treated in time. 

Number 15: 
In Canada, there are no complex hospital or doctor bills. In fact, usually
you don’t even see a bill. 

In the United States, under Obamacare, hospital and doctor bills will still
be terribly complex, making it impossible to discover the many costly

Number 14: 
In Canada, costs are controlled. Canada pays 10 percent of its GDP for its
health care system, covering everyone. 

In the United States, under Obamacare, costs continue to skyrocket. The U.S.
currently pays 18 percent of its GDP and still doesn’t cover tens of
millions of people. 

Number 13: 
In Canada, it is unheard of for anyone to go bankrupt due to health care

In the United States, under Obamacare, health care driven bankruptcy will
continue to plague Americans. 

Number 12: 
In Canada, simplicity leads to major savings in administrative costs and

In the United States, under Obamacare, complexity will lead to ratcheting up
administrative costs and overhead. 

Number 11: 
In Canada, when you go to a doctor or hospital the first thing they ask you
is: “What’s wrong?” 

In the United States, the first thing they ask you is: “What kind of
insurance do you have?” 

Number 10: 
In Canada, the government negotiates drug prices so they are more

In the United States, under Obamacare, Congress made it specifically illegal
for the government to negotiate drug prices for volume purchases, so they
remain unaffordable. 

Number 9: 
In Canada, the government health care funds are not profitably diverted to
the top one percent. 

In the United States, under Obamacare, health care funds will continue to
flow to the top. In 2012, CEOs at six of the largest insurance companies in
the U.S. received a total of $83.3 million in pay, plus benefits. 

Number 8: 
In Canada, there are no necessary co-pays or deductibles. 

In the United States, under Obamacare, the deductibles and co-pays will
continue to be unaffordable for many millions of Americans. 

Number 7: 
In Canada, the health care system contributes to social solidarity and
national pride. 

In the United States, Obamacare is divisive, with rich and poor in different
systems and tens of millions left out or with sorely limited benefits. 


2014-09-28 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa

CQQFjAEusg=AFQjCNFqNv8DRFSChqqnNkFX8FF3xWwNdQ Police: FBI probing past of
Okla. beheading suspect - 

 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
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[Ugnet] The Essence of A Rtwot ki ii Oda

2014-09-28 Thread Hello!
 The Essence of A Rwot ki ii Oda

In the history of post-independence Uganda the Acoli have had their fair share 
of darkness and scorn:  Amin slaughtered them;  Museveni slaughtered them;  the 
Baganda put the loss of their Kingdom and  the bones in Luweero at the doorstep 
of  the Acoli; and the Kakwa, Madi and Lugbara blame their post-Amin sufferings 
on the Acoli.  This is why one son of Amin claims that the Acoli are the most 
hated people in Ugandaas revealed by a fierce Acoli Nya P'rwodi.

Let me clear the air here and then I will go on to posit what a typical Acoli 
is all about. There is historic evidence of overzealous Acoli who have been 
loyal to a T,  and could be  aggressive at exacting punishment within and 
without at the order of the master. Even today we see manifestations of such 
deviants in the form of Acoli NRM.

The very fabric, the core of an Acoli worthy of his or her ancestor is about 
uncompromising personal independence. This is where A Rwot ki ii Oda comes as 
an aggressive statement that no man can pee on another. You don't kneel nor 
prostrate to your fellow man. Literally it means: I am a chief in my own house. 
From A Rwot ki ii Oda is where we derive the Acoli clan-based society where 
leadership/chiefdom and succession is based on intellectual, physical and 
spiritual prowess. The Chief is beholden for harmony and against famine and 
hostile invasions. The confederation of the Acoli clans is based on marriage 
and security interests. The Chiefdom is not a taxing entity and does not wish 
to extend its dominion over other clans and peoples. Thus no single egocentric 
chief arose to become a king over the Acoli. 

Having said all this, then what? All over the world people are yearning to be 
with their own kind even when they interact with others. Scotland has just made 
such a statement. Muganga Fred would want his Buganda to have some kind of 
autonomy. He is proud of his Kingdom built on blood and carnage. I don't want a 
similar Kingdom in Acoli. What is the solution? Devolution in one form or 
another. If not and peoples are pushed too far by the current resource 
inequities, then it will be decided by iron and fire. How Decentralized Power, 
Not Democracy, Will Shape the 21st Century

How Decentralized Power, Not Democracy, Will Shape the...
Democracy is not the most potent political force of the 21st century. If the 
world wants to see global solidarity of nations, the tribes may need to win 
first. By P...  
View on Preview by Yahoo  


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Re: [Ugnet] {UAH} Rugunda cannot stop NRM Tsunami

2014-09-28 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa
Abdul Nasser


The fact of the matter remains that when you get a Sargent Doe take over in
Uganda he needs everyone to attend that very first meeting, including but
not limited to the following Ruhakana Rugunda, Gen.Sejusa, Col.Dr.Besigye,
Col.Mande. Gen.Mugisa Muntu, Ms Matembe, Bidandi Ssali, Amama Mbabazi, OLara
Otunnu, Ssemogerere, Norbert Mao and the list continues to any where he,
Sargent Doe needs it to go.


The only missing part of the equation today is locating The Serg.


On the 49th Parallel  

 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko


[] On Behalf Of Abdul Nasser
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 7:12 AM
Subject: {UAH} Rugunda cannot stop NRM Tsunami




The removal of Amama Mbabazi as PM and the replacement by no other than
Rugunda is not a new bloom at all. This is M7's  practice of recycling the
same staff which has created secterian politics. This kind of recycling has
made it quite impossible to fight nepotism,corruption and dictatorship under
the 28 years of NRM rule. Instead we have seen the emergence of a political
Tsunami within NRM which Gen.Museveni the absolute general in Uganda cannot
contain even if he hires angels from heaven. Sorry it is too late. God has
received prayers  of silent majority of Ugandans and hence the
disintegration of NRMwhich began with Dr.Besigye's departure from NRM is on
the way to Kanungu, Mbabazi's home district. No wait we are not fools to
forget about the lebel MPs!  Furthermore who killed these NRM royals and
why? Ayume(AG), Gen. Kazini, Cerinah Nebanda, etc,etc. What can Rugunda do
now when he has been around all  these 28 years? Can Rugunda stop M7 from
carrying sacks of money vote buying while hospitals lack medicine? As a
trained doctor where has he been as our hospitals across the country has
been roting? Is this the premier elect who can do better than Amama?  I say
removing a Mukiga unceremoniasly and replacing him by another Mukiga in
order to buy votes can go well in other areas of uganda but not in Kigezi
subregion.  Forumists the Bakiga are not fools and Iam sure baja kutera M7
(they are going to beat M7) By the w ay do you notice the unusual silence of
NRM slogans from the top figures in the party? If you think what I have
expressed here is wrong you better check for more briefing from Amama,
Gen.Sejusa, Col.Dr.Besigye, Col.Mande. Gen.Mugisa Muntu, Ms Matembe, Bidandi
Ssali, without delay.


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[Ugnet] EVEN GOD CAN NOT END THE CONGO WAR {It becomes so silly when Obama worries more about Iraq}

2014-09-28 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa
nce-and-forgotten/ 'We Don't Know If Even God Can End This War'



 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
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2014-09-28 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa
……….. Series three



For the first time I have found out that there is an academic discipline called 
Abusecology taught only to Acholi and mildly to Langi as well. I do not make 
this statement lightly because it is based on facts well displayed on UAH 
forum. The chief architect of this discipline and the professor Emeritus is 
Gwokto Peter L’kitgum. If one samples Gwokto's posts, they will find out that 
99% of his postings are abusive and mostly related to my posting in particular. 
The reason being that my postings are based on facts pointing out matters that 
really happened dating back to Uganda's independence in 1962. Because Gwokto 
and his co cannot dispute these facts, the only way he can respond back is to 
abuse, attempting to shut down a particular thread that is discussing the 
abuse, killing, rape, looting etc. carried out by Acholi in Uganda for more 
than 4 decades. By the way, even though Gwokto is the principal of abuse on 
this forum, there are other Acholi and Langi who do the same thing this 
includes Ocen, Ocaya, George Okello who even openly threatens to shoot and kill 
on site as if  the previous killings by Acholi were not enough.


Friends, I have no intention of turning my series into an abusive one because 
Ugandans have been abused  long enough over the years and are still being 
abused and this will continue way into the future. This is because the 
so-called educated Acholi who believe they own Uganda reason worse than the 
bayaye they always blame for not attending school, the say way they did and 
getting degrees even in abusecology. The reason I have started this series is 
that no one wants to be accountable for the crime they have committed in Uganda 
other than talking about their so-called academic qualifications which have 
contributed nothing to the development of Uganda economically, socially, 
politically and culturally.  If we do not point out the killings that were 
carried out by John Ogole now, another John Ogole is being born who will do the 
same thing thinking killing in Uganda is a profession and part of development 
and advancement of civilization. You can continue to abuse me, but this series 
is going to continue and will reveal a lot about Acholi and their role in 
undermining democracy, unity, peace and prosperity in Uganda yesterday, today 
and possibly in the future.


The Amin’s government was built to empower the people, it was Mafuta Mingi, a 
right to you as a Ugandan irrespective of your religion, your tribe, let alone 
point of birth have a right to own a car, a business let alone property. There 
are many reports that have been posted on cars that were taken by government 
agencies and yes  many were taken, but there is not going to be a government 
with money and cars in Uganda history than Amin’s government. Which raises a 
question of why would a government agency take a car from any one? And the 
answer was very simple, those specific cars were arrested with weapons being 
brought into, or commuting with in the country by Acholi’s, and many of those 
that decided to work with them to sabotage the government. Other cars were 
arrested by agencies when smuggling goods out of Uganda especially coffee 
seeds, Bbogoya was a huge sale, lumber and I can continue. In as much as 
Ugandans point at the loss of essential commodities, it became a government 
horror to supply things into  the Gulu Kitgum Lira area because the Acholi’s 
were packing those very same goods and reselling them out of the country. When 
State research or Uganda Police finds your vehicle loaded with goods to cross 
the boarders of the country, that vehicle was repossessed. If the government 
arrested you in a car with weapons the car was repossessed. There are millions 
of Ugandans that had cars in Amin’s government, but no single soldier ever 
walked to a home and stole a car at gun point. He simply did not even need it. 
When The Acholi’s arrived into Uganda in 1979, Tanzania came through by 
supplying the country with clothing material and paraffin, All clothing 
material was sent specifically to Northern Uganda and it was never sent to the 
rest of Uganda. Acholi’s went to Northern Uganda, off flooded the containers 
and loaded the cloth material on pickups drove it to Kampala and resold it. 
They were literary stealing cloth from their own people in The North to make a 
quick money. The situation became so bad that Paraffin stopped to sell in 
Tanzania on areas bordering Uganda because Acholi’s were driving it back into 
Tanzania and making money through currency difference.  Nyerere stopped to give 
Uganda paraffin and the clothes. Friends this was never done by Amin for he had 
left power, but it demonstrates the problem we have with Acholi’s for they can 
even kill their own family to make a point of laying a blame to a government. 
Amin’s government was such a strong government for it endured all these attacks 
and it endured all these sabotage 

[Ugnet] Gaddafi and beloved King Faisal, 1970

2014-09-28 Thread Mitayo Potosi
 Gaddafi and beloved King Faisal

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2014-09-28 Thread Mitayo Potosi
History reveals that Britain (United Kingdom) has never protected
indigenous or non-British interests – whether in Africa, Australia, India
or New Zealand and so on. The British have always opposed and suppressed
the interests of other nations, if their interests were in conflict with
those of the “British Empire.”
The 18 September 2014 Scotland Referendum was no exception. When the “Yes”
campaign vote in Scotland for national independence gathered momentum, all
the three main political parties in Britain began their own massive
campaign of intimidation against the people of Scotland, especially a few
days just before the referendum.
Labour Party leader Ed Miliband told the BBC that the “the pro-independence
campaign had an ugly side.” Prime Minister David Cameron painted a bleak
picture such as the use of the British pound by Scots people if they voted
“Yes.” Queen Elizabeth II though claimed to be “neutral” said she hoped
that “the Scottish voters would think carefully.”
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) poked its nose into the affairs of
the Scottish people. Its Deputy Spokesman W. Murray said, “A Yes vote would
raise a number of important and complicated issues that would have to be
But what is clear is that the “Yes” vote by the Scottish people would have
been a double edge sword if the United Kingdom tried to punish Scotland for
its independence after their “Yes” vote. Here are the reasons for my view:
1.The United Kingdom nuclear missiles are based in Scotland.
  2. UK would lose its royal regiment of Scotland.
  3. The U.K. would be a new country with less power and prestige
internationally if Scotland voted “Yes” in the referendum.
   4. Wales and Northern Ireland might re-think their status within the
powerless territorially reduced United Kingdom.
5. The pro-republic sentiment in Australia and Canada to break ties
with the English monarch would have fermented.
 6. The British Commonwealth would sooner than later collapse.
  7.   The United Kingdom U.N. Security Council would be insecure.
8. The Irish people did not suffer any currency problem when they
dropped the British pound.
The United Kingdom encouraged the “No” vote in the Scotland Referendum to
protect its own interests, not those of the people of Scotland.
*   How Britain Protected Its Colonial Interests In Africa*
The September 2014 Scotland Referendum brings to mind how the United
Kingdom then called “Great Britain” protected its national interests in
Africa at the expense of the African people, especially in South Africa.
The United Kingdom protected its colonial interests by military power in
Africa, using the most barbaric methods and intrigues. For instance, in
Kenya the agents of the British government castrated the anti-colonial
Kenyan fighters opposing colonialism. They called them “Mau Mau” and
murdered hundreds of them and seized large parts of their fertile land.
They practised colonial brutality in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) sentencing to
death the spiritual female leader of the Zimbabweans, Ambuye Nehanda and
the Rev. John Chilebwe in Nyasaland (Malawi) for leading the anti colonial
struggles in their own countries. They exterminated the indigenous people
of Australia, New Zealand and Canada to protect British colonial interests.

*The British Stole South Africa For Their Colonial Settlers *
After many wars of national resistance against British colonialism* led *by
African kings such as Hintsa, Cetshwayo, Moshoeshoe, Sekukuni and Makado;
Britain through its guns over the spears of the African people seized the
African country and handed it over to its colonial settlers.
Through the Union of South Africa Act 1909, a British Statute of the United
Kingdom, on 20th September of that year, Britain gave legislative powers to
its colonial settlers. Section 44 of that imperial law, among other things
reads, “That the qualifications of a Member of the House of Assembly shall…
be a British subject of European descent.”
Within three years of this racist draconian law the colonial parliament
with the connivance of the British government passed the colonial law
allocating five million indigenous African people 7% of their own land
called “Native Reserves.”
This 7% of the African concentration camps became a reservoir of “cheap
native labour” for the farms and mineral mines which were now owned by the
colonial settlers and their “mother country” – the United Kingdom. The 93%
of the African country and land and its riches was handed to the 349837
settlers. This is the peculiar concept of “British justice” that is still
boasted of with much British national pride today.
  *A Colonised African Country Turned Into A “Dominion”*
Sooner than later, South Africa became a British colony to go by the title
of “Dominion,” because it was not the custom of the 

Re: [Ugnet] {UAH} The J-Curve effect of YKM on Uganda's politics

2014-09-28 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa


“True and one of the things YKM has managed to repair somewhat is the
economy and military discipline.”


You remind me the old days when I was in Kenya as a refugee and we could sit
on an Akamba bus station, just to wait for a bus from Kampala, and all we
needed was to know how is Uganda   That information was so vital to us
for some very unknown reason. And on every single morning you walked to that
bus park that I still see in my delusional dreams, were two answers. If you
spoke to someone from Mbale or Gulu or Kabale, Uganda is very good we wonder
why you guys do not come home, we had a dance in Mbale yesterday to say
farewell to me and we did not close the bar till 5am.  And when you pushed
him further for more information, he would say, yes Uganda is good except a
little place called Luwero, there is NRA lead by Museveni and he is making
some skirmishes but the government is dealing with him, remember this is an
elected government and it has the authority to drive him out. That answer
was very uniform with everyone I have listed above. And to all of them for
now they are dead God bless their poor soul, lived in Mbale and the rest of
Uganda never mattered till when Muntonyera torched all of them in train
wagons as God damn Rabbits.


And to tell you the truth they were not lying. That is what they knew for
Ugandans define the national situation based on where they shit. And I
remind you the millions of times I was asked why I bothered about camping
Acholi’s. EM you are a Muganda do not worry about Acholi’s if they are being
raped. Yes I so cared about them for they are a part of Uganda they are
Ugandans and Acholi’s have every right to live free. And yes in your little
cocooned village in Buganda UNLA has a very displined soldiers thanks to
Museveni. One of the reasons I knell on my knees and pray God to deliver the
coming civil war early, is because after we burry 15 million Ugandans, the
remainder will start to question if this kid has had lunch. Even though he
is a Muganda kid and the one asking is a Muhororo.


God we seriously need a civil war to wake up these people.  Amen 


On the 49th Parallel  

 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko


[] On Behalf Of WB
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 12:24 PM
Subject: RE: {UAH} The J-Curve effect of YKM on Uganda's politics


Mr. Nekyon:
You lived with some of these people in TZ so you know them better in some
ways that we do. They must have been relative deprived so imagine all of a
sudden to get rich beyond their wildest imaginations. As Mr. Barigye ahs
noted Kenyans invested in tangible brick and mortar properties that employed
many wanainchi.  You could make the case that some of the glittering
shopping malls in Uganda owned by the political elite serve a similar role.
However, it is likely most of the looted money is chilling  in Swiss or as I
have been told Malaysia banks. 
Now you gave credit to YKM in away that today the economy is more
integrated. True and one of the things YKM has managed to repair somewhat is
the economy and military discipline. But he has failed the political test
which ironically is what he claims he went to the bush to fight for. No
change !
Now he is an interesting narrative that may sound counter intuitive to many.
You know Mr. Moi to had two sons in the army. One rose to the rank of major
and retired to go full time in business. The other one too retired at a
lower rank and went into business. So when Mr. Moi handed over power, the
incoming regime knew that Mr. Moi would not be a constant threaten to their
regime in any serious form  That is why Mr. Kibaki resisted the push to go
after Mr. Moi's ill-gotten wealth.  
YKM can actually deflate the political temperature in Uganda with a stroke
of the pen. Promote MK to major-general and retire him from the army. Look
at Salim Saleh, was he not more popular and apparently brave than MK? Is not
general Salim Saleh still popular with the masses his katebe role
YKM's legacy would be safeguarded with a  stroke of the pen. Why? It would
address some of the unknowns and fears that he is grooming his son to take
over power after him.  Believe me as long as that uncertainty is in place,
things could get very ugly. Why do you think General Sejusa is in exile in
London? Why do you think YKM is humiliating Mr. Mbabazi calling him NRM
hater. Really?  What do you think is going on in these people's minds?
Revenge or forgiveness?
So to paraphrase the Bible, John to be exact, does YKM love  Uganda so much
that he is willing to sacrifice his ONLY  son? The answer to this 


2014-09-28 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa


History reveals that Britain (United Kingdom) has never protected indigenous
or non-British interests – whether in Africa, Australia, India or New
Zealand and so on. The British have always opposed and suppressed the
interests of other nations, if their interests were in conflict with those
of the “British Empire.”

The 18 September 2014 Scotland Referendum was no exception. When the “Yes”
campaign vote in Scotland for national independence gathered momentum, all
the three main political parties in Britain began their own massive campaign
of intimidation against the people of Scotland, especially a few days just
before the referendum.

Labour Party leader Ed Miliband told the BBC that the “the pro-independence
campaign had an ugly side.” Prime Minister David Cameron painted a bleak
picture such as the use of the British pound by Scots people if they voted
“Yes.” Queen Elizabeth II though claimed to be “neutral” said she hoped that
“the Scottish voters would think carefully.”

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) poked its nose into the affairs of the
Scottish people. Its Deputy Spokesman W. Murray said, “A Yes vote would
raise a number of important and complicated issues that would have to be

But what is clear is that the “Yes” vote by the Scottish people would have
been a double edge sword if the United Kingdom tried to punish Scotland for
its independence after their “Yes” vote. Here are the reasons for my view:

1.The United Kingdom nuclear missiles are based in Scotland.

  2. UK would lose its royal regiment of Scotland.

  3. The U.K. would be a new country with less power and prestige
internationally if Scotland voted “Yes” in the referendum.

   4. Wales and Northern Ireland might re-think their status within the
powerless territorially reduced United Kingdom.  

5. The pro-republic sentiment in Australia and Canada to break ties
with the English monarch would have fermented.  

 6. The British Commonwealth would sooner than later collapse.

  7.   The United Kingdom U.N. Security Council would be insecure.

8. The Irish people did not suffer any currency problem when they
dropped the British pound.

The United Kingdom encouraged the “No” vote in the Scotland Referendum to
protect its own interests, not those of the people of Scotland.

   How Britain Protected Its Colonial Interests In Africa

The September 2014 Scotland Referendum brings to mind how the United Kingdom
then called “Great Britain” protected its national interests in Africa at
the expense of the African people, especially in South Africa.

The United Kingdom protected its colonial interests by military power in
Africa, using the most barbaric methods and intrigues. For instance, in
Kenya the agents of the British government castrated the anti-colonial
Kenyan fighters opposing colonialism. They called them “Mau Mau” and
murdered hundreds of them and seized large parts of their fertile land. 

They practised colonial brutality in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) sentencing to death
the spiritual female leader of the Zimbabweans, Ambuye Nehanda and the Rev.
John Chilebwe in Nyasaland (Malawi) for leading the anti colonial struggles
in their own countries. They exterminated the indigenous people of
Australia, New Zealand and Canada to protect British colonial interests.  

The British Stole South Africa For Their Colonial Settlers 

After many wars of national resistance against British colonialism led by
African kings such as Hintsa, Cetshwayo, Moshoeshoe, Sekukuni and Makado;
Britain through its guns over the spears of the African people seized the
African country and handed it over to its colonial settlers.

Through the Union of South Africa Act 1909, a British Statute of the United
Kingdom, on 20th September of that year, Britain gave legislative powers to
its colonial settlers. Section 44 of that imperial law, among other things
reads, “That the qualifications of a Member of the House of Assembly shall…
be a British subject of European descent.”  

Within three years of this racist draconian law the colonial parliament with
the connivance of the British government passed the colonial law allocating
five million indigenous African people 7% of their own land called “Native

This 7% of the African concentration camps became a reservoir of “cheap
native labour” for the farms and mineral mines which were now owned by the
colonial settlers and their “mother country” – the United Kingdom. The 93%
of the African country and land and its riches was handed to the 349837
settlers. This is the peculiar concept of “British justice” that is still
boasted of with much British national pride today. 

  A Colonised African Country Turned Into A “Dominion”

Sooner than later, South Africa became a British colony to go by the title
of “Dominion,” because it was not the 


2014-09-28 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa
Omukulu OJ


Long time no see, Look when I get writings that make my head spin I
sometimes love to refer them to you. In my arguments with my friends like
Edward Pojim I have stated that Africa’s problem is not poor leadership but
the decisions made on our continent are made by foreigners. Whether we elect
or we don’t elect does not matter for the results are already set up in our
absence. And those decisions really matter and end up affecting all of us. 


Due to the weakness of Robert Mugabe, when he went after the land
redistribution, he left the whites to live in Zimbabwe. Among those that he
left is Eddie Cross who is an MP of the opposition under Tsivangirai. Yes he
is in opposition of Mugabe’s government although they are a part of the
government.  The MP trolled into Uganda few days ago, and I need all of us
to take a breath, let us not be hyped but read his report on Uganda and what
he saw. Friends it does not matter what we say in forums it does not matter
what we decide, what this man states affects you and me way more than what
your vote states. And why? Because right now you all as Ugandans are fucked,
the report he is going to write about Uganda to the world bank, to IMF to
the UN to you name it will directly affect you. And this is how great the MP
saw Uganda he is about to immigrate to the Pearl Of Africa. What we need in
our continent is not yet good leadership but stopping whites to decide our
future. OJ be very worried on how MP Eddie Cross sells the Museveni
achievements in our country. Do you also realize that he went to Uganda and
Rwanda and he refused to reach DRC where 8 million people have died to
finance that entire cabal he was in? Imagine if 8 million whites had died,
his writing would have changed. And that is the value whites put into
blacks. May President Iddi Amin rest in peace indeed.


OJ this man’s writing is the only reason I need Museveni out of power for
every crappy thing he has done in Uganda is to liberate whites, and so here
we are.


On the 49th Parallel 

Hope for Africa

 Living in a near failed State like Zimbabwe and watching the news about the
rest of Africa, it’s easy to be pessimistic about the continent. But I have
recently spent time in Namibia, Kenya and Uganda. Last week I was on a
Parliamentary trip to Kampala, the Capital of Uganda, which lasted 5 days. I
must say that we were impressed with Kampala – it’s a City of 5 million
people, about 80 kilometers across, a major City by any standard. Uganda has
had its share of the “African” disease – bad government, corruption and
human and legal rights abuse; the expulsion of the Asian business community
and the economic collapse that followed, but what we found was unexpected.

The City is clean – I seldom saw any litter, certainly none in the City
center, no pot holes and the gardens immaculate – I have always judged
communities by their gardens as a community that plants trees and flowers
and mows the lawn, is a stable and progressive community. On a day trip to
Jinga we passed 5 nurseries selling trees and shrubs. The country does not
experience winter and gets two wet seasons a year so it was green and
vibrant. Plant anything and it grows. Our human contacts were no less
impressive, Ugandans are confident in their skins, open and friendly. I
never felt any sense of insecurity even though there was a security clamp
down at the time due to some intelligence about a threat. Every meeting we
attended was on time and well organized, if our driver said he would be at
the hotel to pick us up at 10, he was there with a protocol officer who
could not have been more helpful and facilitating.

In Parliament we observed the Committees at work; we watched a sitting of
the House and heard some debate. It is clear that Parliament is a strong,
independent institution and clearly takes its role as the watchdog of the
people very seriously. We heard senior officials from the Prime Minister’s
Office being grilled over unauthorized expenditure – a tough no hold barred
session. We watched another committee grill the senior officers from a Rural
Council over a debt of $40 000 that had not been accounted for – they were
given a week to produce the culprits and the truth or face serious
consequences. It was a real privilege to be able to see an administration in
Africa working so well and to recognize that this was really Uganda at work
– not some foreign consultants or expatriates, but the real thing, all home
grown and indigenous. The staff and Members of Parliament that we met were
charming and confident and well aware of the crucial role they were playing
in their society. I was deeply encouraged and we learned a great deal from
our counterparts about how we might improve our own performance at home in

 For those of us who have made Africa our home of choice, these examples of
a functional society that is self-confident and progressive, are important
because we all need hope while we struggle with the