I am a mortal as you are my dear.  You see, you present noncriticalism of yourself when you try to remind me of me by this "As if you are immortal".  That's a wastage of time and you know it.  So, why are you saying it anyway??  Trying to hurt my feelings?? = Hahah, I don't think so.  We, mortals shall all die, and that's why our fellow mortal Oyite-Ojok had no business killing some of us.
Oyite-Ojok was a murderer.  Why can't you accept that??  If you wanna talk about Sadists in Uganda's history, let us mention: Oyite-Ojok, Obote, Amin, Okello, Salim Saleh, and Museveni.  You see, I celebrate when a Sadist dies.  I loose nothing but gain a peacefull piece of mind knowing that these murderers are off the face of the earth to leave us in peace. 
Do I gain pleasure from hurting or humiliating other people?? = NO.  I only want freedom for all Ugandans, and we have lots of enemies of our freedoms out there, and Allah needs to help us by getting rid of them, himself.  I have one life to live, and I must exercise and enjoy my freedoms before I die.  I need to see these enemies out of my way towards freedom.  Do you have a problem with us enjoying our freedoms??
Zakoomu M.

Lisa Toro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
As if you are immortal, you caused people death, then accused then to be killers without evidence. Super natural The same almighty Allah or God will catch up with you sooner or later. Sadists of all time.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 1:43 PM
Subject: ugnet_: Thanks be to Allah that Oyite-Ojok is dead!

I am here to thank the Almighty Allah for the death of Oyite-Ojok.  Alyoose naffa!  Twakoowa agasajja gano agatemu! - (We are sick and tired of these murderers!)  That man was a killer who disguised himself as a "nationalist".  But you know what, Allah shall continue to take away the enemies of our freedom, one by one.  At the end of the day, we loose nothing but gain a peacefull piece of mind. 
Justice has been served to us who are still living, not considered the dead who lost their lives because of Oyite-Ojok.  All Praises Be to Allah, for He is redeeming us from this Axis of Evil (Oyite-Ojok and gang).  Let us all celebrate, because Freedom is around the corner.  When is Obote's death??  We can not wait to see Obote getting burried in Zambia.  Hahaha... that killer is just taking up space on this earth for no good reason!  Allah, please act on him real soon, for the anticipation is growing stronger.
Zakoomu M.

jonah kasangwawo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

aaah, let's not argue about the word 'majority', in any case that was a side
point. If it pleases you I'll amend it to: a large part of the population
were not sad about his death.

My main point was, if you wanted to keep your life intact, could you openly
celebrate in Kampala at the time ?



>From: "The Fugee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojoks family secrets buried here\
>Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 16:15:45 +0200
>Who on earth is this elusive majority? Just because some people may hold
>that position it is erroneous to assume that they constitute the majority!
>The Fugee
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "jonah kasangwawo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2004 1:55 PM
>Subject: RE: ugnet_: Oyite-Ojoks family secrets buried here\
> > gook,
> >
> > be real ! Do you seriously believe one could openly celebrate in Kampala
&a mp;g t; > the time ? What do you think would have happened to such a person ?
> >
> > Some Ugandans like you might have been sad at his death but the majority
> > surely didn't miss him.
> >
> > Kasangwawo

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