(Continuing from 2A)
From the time Arusha Peace Agreement was being
negotiated up to as late as 1996, you carried out a
deliberate policy of using all means possible to
reduce the Hutu Population in the Umutara, Kibungo and
Bugesera regions.

These areas were deliberately resettled by old
caseload returnees from Uganda,

Tanzania and Burundi respectively. Families of many
top RPF/RPA leaders are among those who were resettled
in this manner.

Certainly all Rwandese deserve to be settled but your
Government could have carried out these resettlements
without violating the spirit of the Arusha Peace
Agreement and without having to terrorize, displace or
kill fellow Rwandese.

Having signed the Arusha Peace Agreement, the RPF/RPA,
supposedly to maintain the Hutu-Tutsi power sharing
equation, found it convenient to liquidate the only
few Hutu fighters who had been previously recruited
from the demilitarized zone. You remember, these
criminal operations were code-named " fanyiya ". Some
of those who survived could give evidence if given
certain guarantees.
When the RPF/RPA launched the Offensive to stop
genocide, every Hutu was assumed to be a killer. For
moths and from one boarder to another, Hutus were
chased and massacred on sight.

The new Hutus, who braved it into the RPF/RPA and
survived execution, remained un trusted and
marginalized. The long time RPF Chairman Hon Colonel
Alex Kanyarengwe was similarly treated. He was through
out all his years as the Chairman of RPF to know no
secrets, leave alone having any access to operational
information, his rich political and military
experience in Rwandese affairs not withstanding. 

While he was in the know of the things, which were
going on, he was wise enough to only keep a silent
opposition, thanks to which, it was never found
necessary to eliminate him.

However, in typical RPF/RPA reshuffle style, he was
eventually striped off his Ministerial post and RPF
Chairmanship. In essence his Chairmanship had been
ceremonial and shrewdly intended to give the RPF/RPA a
Hutu face.

When we freed political detainees from Ruhengeri
Prison in the initial years of the struggle you
treated Hutus with suspicion and did not assign the
appropriate duties.

This was particularly true in the case of the Senior
Army Officers, who could not trusted with command
responsibilities, their superior military training and
experience notwithstanding.

One of the Hutu Senior Officers, who had in fact
become an the RPA Member of High Command ; the dynamic
Command Muvunanyambo, who had provided so popular
within the RPF/RPA rank and file, was mysteriously
murdered by armed people suspected to the High Command
Some Officers later quietly confirmed he had been

Another Hutu Officer who had much earlier defected
from the then Rwandese armed forces and whose had
played a crucial role in interception of Government
military radio communication was similarly executed.
There are RPA officers who could testify to these
cases if assured of their security.

In the RPF/RPA operational areas, the silent but
official policy was elimination and / or displacement
of Hutus. There was no serious effort to mobilize the
population and popularize the struggle. Neither was
there any serious effort to recruit and develop
combatants and political workers from the local

This is exactly why the so-called RPF liberated zones
literally zones literally had no people.

The new people, who appeared in the Camps in ####

The political program, constitution and code of
conduct are all clear testimonies to our vision of the
struggle we wanted to wage and the kind of society we
wanted to build.

We all know that it was in this spirit that the
RPF/RPA continued to work up to 1990, whether in
recruitment of cadres, recruitment of soldiers, in
mass mobilization, in fundraising or in any other

Indeed, I am reliably informed that it was in the very
same spirit that the RPF/RPA continued to work up to
July 1994 when the RPF/EPA Led Government was sworn

However, allow me to state very categorically that
with the on set of the armed struggle in the Northern
Rwanda, the strategy of forging a genuine broad
movement, the building of a pro-people army, mass
empowerment and popular participation all become
things of the past.

On the contrary, as the years passed by, militarism,
killings, elimination of political opponents
systematic looting and economic plunder, finally
assumed dominance over what should have been our
pro-people political ideology and pro-people military

After the capture of State Power, these negative
tendencies and practices become generalized,
institutionalized and regionalized.

There is also the personality cult that has been
created around you. In typical Rwandese ancient
fashion culture, you have by omission or commission
allowed your self to be taken as all knowing and

This mystification combined with your terrorist
methods, has reduced some of our people to silence and
passivity ; rather than standing up to meet their
daily challenges; rather than rising up to challenge
some of your excess, they simply sit out the days
waiting for some one to miraculously come to their
rescue. Some even naively believe that without you and
your regime, their lives would come to a sudden and
tragic end.

On your part, you have exploited this weakness of our
people by turning your self into a " de facto "
dictator in all matters of national life. You have
become the executive, the legislature and the
judiciary ; you have become the complainant, the
prosecutor and the judge.

The situation therefore demands that your personality
and your regime become publicly demystified as and
part and parcel of the process of empowerment of our

The purpose of this letter is too highlight the
fundamental weakness and failures of the RPF/RPA
leadership over the last ten years.


This is exactly why the so-called RPF literally had no
people. The few people, who appeared in the Camps in
the RPF/RPA rear, were survivors of such a naïve
politicomilitary policy.

Prisoners of war were routinely tortured and executed.
Even those who were kept alive for jounalist to see,
were all finally executed. The only exception being a
handful of prisoners of war who were delliberately
kept and exchanged with RPA soldiers in the Arusha
Peace Agreement framework. This is the very reason why
by July 1994, there was no single RPA prisoner of war

The RPA continues to kill tortured prisoners of war up
to day. The international Committee of the Red cross
(ICRC) witnessed cases in June 2000, in the DRC.

All along in the armed struggle, Military intelligence
which was your personal creation and which directly
reported to you, tortured and killed civilian
suspects. Military Intelligence bases everywhere were
associated with graves for such victims.

Some of these graves like the ones at commune Kinyami
HQs, had to be exhumed after Government fears that
Human Rights groups had been tipped off about them.

Late Hon Burakari Evarist; a progressive politician
from Commune Rutare and a Member of Parliament for the
Liberal Party, was murdered in cold blood by one of
your soldiers so to destroy evidence concerning many
civilians from the Communes of Byumba who were
arrested, interrogated, interrogated, tortured, killed
and buried in a mass grave at that Commune Hqs.

When his killer pretended to escape and a mock arrest
and trial were stage managed, the killer was sentenced
to a few moths imprisonment. When this appeared so
ridiculous you personally ordered for a retrial, which
only added a few more months to his sentence. I shall
not be surprised if more witnesses of the Kinyami
massacres disappeared.

From the time Arusha Peace Agreement was being
negotiated up to as late as 1996, you carried out a
deliberate policy of using all means possible to
reduce the Hutu Population in the Umutara, Kibungo and
Bugesera regions.

These areas were deliberately resettled by old
caseload returnees from Uganda,

Tanzania and Burundi respectively. Families of many
top RPF/RPA leaders are among those who were resettled
in this manner.

Certainly all Rwandese deserve to be settled but your
Government could have carried out these resettlements
without violating the spirit of the Arusha Peace
Agreement and without having to terrorize, displace or
kill fellow Rwandese.

Having signed the Arusha Peace Agreement, the RPF/RPA,
supposedly to maintain the Hutu-Tutsi power sharing
equation, found it convenient to liquidate the only
few Hutu fighters who had been previously recruited
from the demilitarized zone. You remember, these
criminal operations were code-named " fanyiya ". Some
of those who survived could give evidence if given
certain guarantees.
When the RPF/RPA launched the Offensive to stop
genocide, every Hutu was assumed to be a killer. For
moths and from one boarder to another, Hutus were
chased and massacred on sight.

The new Hutus, who braved it into the RPF/RPA and
survived execution, remained un trusted and
marginalized. The long time RPF Chairman Hon Colonel
Alex Kanyarengwe was similarly treated. He was through
out all his years as the Chairman of RPF to know no
secrets, leave alone having any access to operational
information, his rich political and military
experience in Rwandese affairs not withstanding. 

While he was in the know of the things, which were
going on, he was wise enough to only keep a silent
opposition, thanks to which, it was never found
necessary to eliminate him.

However, in typical RPF/RPA reshuffle style, he was
eventually striped off his Ministerial post and RPF
Chairmanship. In essence his Chairmanship had been
ceremonial and shrewdly intended to give the RPF/RPA a
Hutu face.

When we freed political detainees from Ruhengeri
Prison in the initial years of the struggle you
treated Hutus with suspicion and did not assign the
appropriate duties.

This was particularly true in the case of the Senior
Army Officers, who could not trusted with command
responsibilities, their superior military training and
experience notwithstanding.

One of the Hutu Senior Officers, who had in fact
become an the RPA Member of High Command ; the dynamic
Command Muvunanyambo, who had provided so popular
within the RPF/RPA rank and file, was mysteriously
murdered by armed people suspected to the High Command
Some Officers later quietly confirmed he had been

Another Hutu Officer who had much earlier defected
from the then Rwandese armed forces and whose had
played a crucial role in interception of Government
military radio communication was similarly executed.
There are RPA officers who could testify to these
cases if assured of their security.

In the RPF/RPA operational areas, the silent but
official policy was elimination and / or displacement
of Hutus. There was no serious effort to mobilize the
population and popularize the struggle. Neither was
there any serious effort to recruit and develop
combatants and political workers from the local

This is exactly why the so-called RPF liberated zones
literally zones literally had no people.

The new people, who appeared in the Camps in ####

The political program, constitution and code of
conduct are all clear testimonies to our vision of the
struggle we wanted to wage and the kind of society we
wanted to build.

We all know that it was in this spirit that the
RPF/RPA continued to work up to 1990, whether in
recruitment of cadres, recruitment of soldiers, in
mass mobilization, in fundraising or in any other

Indeed, I am reliably informed that it was in the very
same spirit that the RPF/RPA continued to work up to
July 1994 when the RPF/EPA Led Government was sworn

However, allow me to state very categorically that
with the on set of the armed struggle in the Northern
Rwanda, the strategy of forging a genuine broad
movement, the building of a pro-people army, mass
empowerment and popular participation all become
things of the past.

On the contrary, as the years passed by, militarism,
killings, elimination of political opponents
systematic looting and economic plunder, finally
assumed dominance over what should have been our
pro-people political ideology and pro-people military

After the capture of State Power, these negative
tendencies and practices become generalized,
institutionalized and regionalized.

There is also the personality cult that has been
created around you. In typical Rwandese ancient
fashion culture, you have by omission or commission
allowed your self to be taken as all knowing and

This mystification combined with your terrorist
methods, has reduced some of our people to silence and
passivity ; rather than standing up to meet their
daily challenges; rather than rising up to challenge
some of your excess, they simply sit out the days
waiting for some one to miraculously come to their
rescue. Some even naively believe that without you and
your regime, their lives would come to a sudden and
tragic end.

On your part, you have exploited this weakness of our
people by turning your self into a " de facto "
dictator in all matters of national life. You have
become the executive, the legislature and the
judiciary ; you have become the complainant, the
prosecutor and the judge.

The situation therefore demands that your personality
and your regime become publicly demystified as and
part and parcel of the process of empowerment of our

The purpose of this letter is too highlight the
fundamental weakness and failures of the RPF/RPA
leadership over the last ten years.


This is exactly why the so-called RPF literally had no
people. The few people, who appeared in the Camps in
the RPF/RPA rear, were survivors of such a naïve
politicomilitary policy.

Prisoners of war were routinely tortured and executed.
Even those who were kept alive for jounalist to see,
were all finally executed. The only exception being a
handful of prisoners of war who were delliberately
kept and exchanged with RPA soldiers in the Arusha
Peace Agreement framework. This is the very reason why
by July 1994, there was no single RPA prisoner of war

The RPA continues to kill tortured prisoners of war up
to day. The international Committee of the Red cross
(ICRC) witnessed cases in June 2000, in the DRC.

All along in the armed struggle, Military intelligence
which was your personal creation and which directly
reported to you, tortured and killed civilian
suspects. Military Intelligence bases everywhere were
associated with graves for such victims.

Some of these graves like the ones at commune Kinyami
HQs, had to be exhumed after Government fears that
Human Rights groups had been tipped off about them.

Late Hon Burakari Evarist; a progressive politician
from Commune Rutare and a Member of Parliament for the
Liberal Party, was murdered in cold blood by one of
your soldiers so to destroy evidence concerning many
civilians from the Communes of Byumba who were
arrested, interrogated, interrogated, tortured, killed
and buried in a mass grave at that Commune Hqs.

When his killer pretended to escape and a mock arrest
and trial were stage managed, the killer was sentenced
to a few moths imprisonment. When this appeared so
ridiculous you personally ordered for a retrial, which
only added a few more months to his sentence. I shall
not be surprised if more witnesses of the Kinyami
massacres disappeared.

From the time Arusha Peace Agreement was being
negotiated up to as late as 1996, you carried out a
deliberate policy of using all means possible to
reduce the Hutu Population in the Umutara, Kibungo and
Bugesera regions.

These areas were deliberately resettled by old
caseload returnees from Uganda,

Tanzania and Burundi respectively. Families of many
top RPF/RPA leaders are among those who were resettled
in this manner.

Certainly all Rwandese deserve to be settled but your
Government could have carried out these resettlements
without violating the spirit of the Arusha Peace
Agreement and without having to terrorize, displace or
kill fellow Rwandese.

Having signed the Arusha Peace Agreement, the RPF/RPA,
supposedly to maintain the Hutu-Tutsi power sharing
equation, found it convenient to liquidate the only
few Hutu fighters who had been previously recruited
from the demilitarized zone. You remember, these
criminal operations were code-named " fanyiya ". Some
of those who survived could give evidence if given
certain guarantees.
When the RPF/RPA launched the Offensive to stop
genocide, every Hutu was assumed to be a killer. For
moths and from one boarder to another, Hutus were
chased and massacred on sight.

part 3 coming up

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
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            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
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