A very simple question I have this afternoon, what about the Ankole Kingdom? Is Cultural leadership only honoured when it is concerning Buganda, Busoga and Toro? And what will happen to these now functioning Kingdoms if NRM gets out of power?
Like I have told the federalists, mixing political powers with cultural powers is the most dangerous thing we can do as Ugandans, and to those who have decided to use our cultural institutions as a passage to your getting to power, remember that Ugandans know that you have destroyed our institutions, the question is what will use after wards?
President fundraises for Tooro Kingdom

President Yoweri Museveni has said that the decision taken by the NRM government to re-instate and support cultural institutions was deliberate and well thought out so as to maintain and preserve the cultural roots of our societies.

The President was last evening launching the King Oyo Fund at a fund-raising dinner that was organized by Tooro Kingdom at the Nile Hotel Gardens in Kampala. King Oyo Fund is aimed at providing seed-money to kick-start the kingdom’s priority programs.

Over Shillings 60 million in cash and pledges was realized at the dinner and the charity walk that took place earlier in the day. The Governor of the Bank of Uganda Mr. Emmanuel Tumusiime Mutebile was the chief guest at the walk in which Cabinet Ministers, MPS, leading businessmen, friends and well wishers of Tooro Kingdom participated.

President Museveni expressed happiness to be associated with cultural institutions and pledged his continued support to the establishments. He made a personal contribution of Shillings 10 million to the fund and also auctioned King Oyo’s portrait at Shillings10 million.

The President reminded cultural institutions in the country of their rights embedded in the constitution to access funds from the central government.

Earlier, King Oyo highly commended President Museveni for his continued support to the Kingdom of Tooro in general and to his family in particular. He also thanked friends and well wishers for their support. He pointed out that the first step is always the most difficult and critical. He was, however, happy to note that the beginning of the fundraising drive was now beyond his dreams.

King Oyo informed his guests that the fund is a visionary act for the preparation of his reign.

During the function, the Chairman of Caltex Oil Uganda Limited, Mr. James Chilongo informed the over 300 guests that the company had set up the King Oyo Star Card Scheme to last 3 months only in order to raise funds for the King.

Cabinet Ministers, diplomats, MPs, representatives from other cultural institutions in the country, well wishers from within the country and from abroad, attended the dinner.
            The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

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