Here's my vision of automation (achieved over time :-) ), and why CI
could be important - it is building the potential releases from source

We have CI going on Hudson; we decide at some point that things merit a
release; so we push some button on the CI or Nexus interface and get a
particular snapshot release tagged, checked out and built as a candidate.

We do some additional integration testing, and then vote on the thing in
the nexus repo, where it look like a release but is in some "held"
state.  After the vote succeeds, we log onto the Nexus web interface and
push another button, and the release happens.


On 3/28/2010 12:36 PM, Jörn Kottmann wrote:
> Marshall Schor wrote:
>> I'm +1 for doing this, and offer to do some/most of the legwork to get
>> this to happen.
>> Other opinions?
> From a development point of view Hudson can help us
> to make sure that our build is never broken, and if so notice us,
> but usually our build always works. Not sure if it is worth the effort
> to get one build broken notification per year.
> The only other advantage I see is that it can automatically publish
> snapshot builds, but when this is the motivation to get CI on Hudson
> we maybe should start to release more frequently.
> Jörn

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