Good Day Friends

The following tenants on the Abercorn manors in County Tyrone, won
awards for the various improvements to their farms. etc.

28 Nov. 1843

Report of Robert ALEXANDER of Sandville and George ALEXANDER of
Grange-Foyle on awarding premiums given by the most noble Marquis of
Abercorn on his estates in Tyrone.

Manor of Donelong

1 Turnip  - 11 Competitors

1. to William CLARKE, Lisdiven, £3
2. to John M'CREA, Maghereagh, £2 10s.
3. to Widow M'GETTICAN Drumgatty, £2
4. to Archy BAIRD Creaghcor, £1 10s.
5. to Samuel M'INTYRE Cloughbuoy, £1

These premiums were very closely contested, the crops being all good
and a considerable part swedes, of excellent quality. Mr. CLARKE only
gains the first, from the extent of his growing, being far above the
proportion of the other tenants.

2.  Furrow Draining

1. to George ALEXANDER, Coolmaghery, £5
2. to Widow M'LAUGHLIN, Maghereagh, £3 10s.
3. to Archy BAIRD Creachcor, £2
4. to Widow M'INTYRE, Tamnabready, £1 5s.
5. to John GILMOUR, Cullion, 15s.

The length of drains made by Mr. ALEXANDER within the year is 1007½  perches.

3. Levelling and Fencing - 5 Competitors

Samuel M'CLEMENTS, Tamnaclare, £2 10s.

In this manor there are a good many drains in process.

Manor of Cloughogle

1 Turnip - 8 Competitors

1. to Thomas BARNHILL, Backfence,  £3
2. to Donald M'DONALD, Bailee, £2 10s.
3. to Robert ROLLSTONE, Ballymagory, £2
4. to William DONNELL, sen , Bailee, £1 10s.
5. to William DONNELL, jun., Bailee, £1

2. Furrow Draining
The premiums in this class not merited, as being only in process.

3. Levelling and Fencing
Daniel M'CORMICK, Legnagellagh, £2 10s.

Manor of Strabane

Turnip - 7  competitors
1. to Galbraith LOWTHER, Cavanaghlee, £3
2. to Hugh STEWART, Lisky, £2 10s.
3. to James WOODS, Glentemon, £2
4. to Widow STEWART, Erganah £1 10s.
5. to Robert HUEY, Erganah, £1

2. Furrow Draining
1. to James WOODS, Glentemon,  £5
2. to Galbraith LOWTHER, Cavanaghlee £3 10s.
3. to John BROWN, Lisky, £2

The other competitors having their drains only in process, we cannot
award the other premiums in this class. Mr. John ENTRICKIN has made a
considerable length of drains, but cannot come under the class of
furrow drains. Those on Mr. LOWTHER'S farm have been done upon a very
expensive plan. The proper furrow drains are those done by Mr. WOODS.

3. Levelling and Fencing
The only competitors are Alexander BROWN of Magheragar and John WOODS
of Sion and as there is little merit displayed by either, we would
advise the premium to be divided thus;
Alexander BROWN, Magheragar £1 10
John WOODS, Sion £1

Manor of Derrywoon

1 Turnip - 24 Competitors
1. to Samuel MOODIE, Drumlegagh £3
2. to David KILPATRICK, Bay turn, £2 10s.
3. to Joseph MAXWELL, Drumlegagh, £2
4. to Hugh MAIR, Drumclamph, £1 10s.
5. to John LEITCH, Magheracreggan, £1

2. Furrow draining
1. to James STEWART, Bayturn, £5
2. to James M'CASKY, Creevy £3 10s.
3. to David WATSON, Ballyrennan £2
4. to Samuel WOODS, Drumlegagh £1 5s.
5. to Mathew M'CASKY, Creevy, 15s.

3. Levelling and Fencing
to James STEWART, Bayturn £2 10 0

Additional Premiums of £10, to ten townlands around Baronscourt, for turnip
1. to Samuel MOODY, Drumlegagh, £4
2. to David KILPATRICK, Bayturn, £3
3. to Joseph MAXWELL, Drumlegagh, £2
4. to Samuel WATSON, £1

These crops are large, the drills and spaces between the plants being
on the wide side. Mr. MOODY'S are a very equal crop and will weigh
most by the acre. Mr. MAXWELL'S are very good, but the braird having
been unevenly, there are a good many small tubers among them.

Transcribed from the Derry Journal

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