20 Jan. 1838
Melancholy Catastrophe

On Thursday last, two lads, sons of Mr. David PATTON, of this City,
(Londonderry) went on a shooting excursion in a boat down Lough Foyle
to a bank called Shell Island. They were accompanied by two men named
CLARKE and THOMPSON, of Culmore. About half past three o'clock, p.m.
they got into the boat for the purpose of returning home, but when
they had proceeded a very short distance, unfortunately the boat
upset, and they were all precipitated into the water save the younger
PATTON, who clung to it. On gaining their feet, for the water was
shallow, they exerted themselves for a length time ineffectually to
right the boat and discharge the water, until THOMPSON having observed
that CLARKE was growing faint and benumbed from the intense cold,
assisted him by the hand to the island and desired him to take
exercise till succour should arrive. THOMPSON then returned for the
elder PATTON, when he found him clasped to the boat and taking him in
his arms, bore him to the island, where he expired almost immediately,
CLARKE by this time was also dead. The cries of THOMPSON were heard by
Major SCOTT’S men, who hastened to afford assistance but they found it
impossible get their boats free from the ice, at length, a man put off
in a punt and succeeded in rescuing young PATTON, who was in state of
extreme exhaustion, but, through the kindness and prompt attention of
Major SCOTT and his family, he regained strength. THOMPSON also gained
the shore but the other two perished, the tide having risen on the
bank, and their bodies were not recovered till yesterday morning.
PATTON was a fine amiable youth, 17 years old and is deeply regretted
all who knew him. His loss has plunged a respectable family in the
most profound affliction. CLARKE has left a wife and two young
children to deplore his untimely fate.

Cumber Presbyterian Congregation

On the 4th instant, John H. BROWNE of Cumber house, Esq. perfected to
the Presbyterians of Upper Cumber, so long as they remain in
connection with the Synod of Ulster, a lease for ever of their Church
and 25 perches of land, at a nominal rent of one shilling per annum.
This has not been the only instance of kind feeling and Christian
liberality manifested to them by Mr. BROWN. In the year 1828, when
they were erected into a congregation, he gave them a donation of
£100, to assist in building their church and since that time has
expended about £50 more in finishing a pulpit, pew for himself, &c.
Besides these acts of liberality his advice has never been withheld
from them, when involved in any doubt or difficulty, thus proving that
in all respects he felt deeply interested in their prosperity. As his
chief object was to promote their spiritual welfare, he has now the
satisfaction of seeing his benevolent intentions realised and their
number more than doubled during the last 3 years. His name shall be
held by them and their posterity in grateful remembrance and to him
are justly due the thanks of the Synod of Ulster.

Committal Salmon Poachers
At Kilrea Sessions last week, Pat. M’CLAY, James BLANEY, Thomas
HOUSTON and Joseph LAUGHLIN were convicted of having unlawfully killed
salmon and sentenced each to pay a fine of £4 12s 21/2d. or 1 month
imprisonment and at the same time, Henry NEIL and Jas. M'KENNA were
convicted of assault upon the water keepers and sentenced, the first,
to pay a fine of 2s. 6d., or a fortnight's imprisonment; the other, to
pay a fine of £1 2s., or 1 month's imprisonment. The prosecutions were
at the suit of the leasees of the Irish Society's Fishing in the Bann.
The whole of the above delinquents have been transmitted to the county
gaol; none of their fines having been paid.

The windows in the rere of one of Mr. BRIGHAM'S houses, in Orchard
lane, have been frequently broken at night, within the last 6 weeks
and on one occasion an attempt was made to consume it by fire: this
induced the night-watch to have a sharp look-out and Monday night one
them, (Henry BROOKINS), while concealed in view of the premises,
succeeded in detecting a man named DOUGHERTY, in the act of throwing
stones at the house in question and promptly took him into custody.
Next day he was brought to the Mayor’s office charged with the
offence, where after an investigation, he was remanded by his worship
till Saturday (today) when he is to be brought up for further
examination. What adds to the heinousness of his crime, he had been in
the employment of BRIGHAM for the last 3 years, and was treated by him
with uniform kindness.

Coleraine Dispensary
On Monday, the 15th inst., the election for a medical superintendent
to the Coleraine and Killowen Dispensary took place in succession to
the late Dr. NEIL. The candidates were Dr. REID, Dr. BABINGTON, Dr.
M’CALDIN and Dr. CARSON, the 2 latter gentlemen withdrew, after the
subscribers to the institution assembled to enter on the election,
which gave the majority of votes in favour of Dr. REID, who was
declared duly appointed to the situation.

transcribed by Teena from the Londonderry Sentinel
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