2 Dec. 1783

Deserted from his Majesty’s 1st Regiment of Horse, quartered in Dublin

Stewart ELLIS - Trooper, 30 years of age, 5 feet 10 inches high, black
complexion, strong and well made, trade a weaver, born in the parish
of Clenwall, co. Donegal, went off in full regimentals.

John KING - 26 years of age, 5 feet 10 inches high, fresh complexion,
born in the parish of Saintfield, co. Down. Went in his full
regimentals and took away a pair of regimental pistols.

whoever apprehends said Deserters, will receive for each 3 Guineas,
besides what is allowed by act of Parliament, by applying to Sir
William MONTGOMERY Bart, in Dublin or to the Commanding Officer of the
regiment 25 Nov. 1783

Transcribed by Teena from the Dublin Evening Post

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