Hello All

Just a couple extracts for a fellow named John POTTER.

Derry Journal
Wed. 10 Feb. 1892
death - February 7th at Ards, Caledon, John POTTER, aged 84 years.

Donegal Independent
12 Apr. 1901
John POTTER, Ballyshannon
On Tuesday evening last, Mr John Potter, principal of the firm of John
Potter and Co., merchants, died at his residence, Main st.
Ballyshannon; deceased who was almost fifty years of age had been in
failing health for some months past. Death occurred somewhat
unexpectedly on Tuesday. On that day Mr Sloan POTTER and Mr Scott
POTTER, sons of the deceased, left for Dublin to resume their studies.
The one being a medical, and the other, a law student. They could
scarcely have arrived in the capital when their father breathed his
last. Deceased, who was of a quiet and unobstructive disposition was
universally respected. He was a native of Caledon, Co. Tyrone. Much
sympathy is felt with Mrs POTTER and family in their sad bereavement.
The funeral took place on Friday and was largely attended. At the
grave the Rev. A, Lowry (Presbyterian) read the burial service. The
chief mourners were Messrs Scott, Sloan and Ross POTTER, (sons);
Thomas POTTER, Caledon (brother); Messrs. Nathan PATTON, The Glen,
Ramelton; and Thomas PATTON, Whitehill (brothers-in-law).

transcribed by Teena
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