Hello all

The following extracts are transcribed from the Saunders Newsletter of
the  mentioned dates.

7 February 1774 died
At Newtown Limavady, Mr. John King, merchant

Londonderry Assizes- trials commenced Monday 17th Apr. 1797

Two men by the name MILLER were indicted for taking a gun from the
habitation of David HYNDMAN were acquitted on that charge, but found
guilty of being concerned in a riot and unlawful assembly and received
a sentence to be imprisoned 2 years and to be publicly whipped at the
end of 6 months

Walter GRAHAM and some others, whose trials were postponed from the
last assizes were acquitted, the witnesses having absconded.

Thomas MOORE who had sworn examinations against some United Irishmen,
which he which he denied when called on the table, was convicted of
perjury and sentenced to be transported for 7 years, and stand once in
the pillory, where he was roughly handled by the populace

Richardson BOARDMAN convicted during the Assizes of the same offense
received a severe public whipping and was ordered for transportation

Shelburne KINKEAD was indicted for being present at a riotous assembly
- a soldier who was the prosecutor, not being able identify him
positively, he was acquitted

William DAVISON was indicted for administering oaths to a soldier of
the Tipperary Regiment at Londonderry, to be true to the French and to
keep the secrets of the United Irishmen. After trial and an excellent
charge from the Solicitor General, the Jury, without hesitation, found
the prisoner guilty. Sentence of transportation for life immediately
followed and he was instantly handed over from the dock, into the
custody of a strong guard to be transmitted to Newgate. This young man
was a native of Derry, of good connections and in a decent line of

Michael ABRAHAM and 2 others were indicted for appearing in arms and
unusual disguises were acquitted but the person who had been bound
over to prosecute them was convicted of perjury.

William STEWART pleaded guilty to 2 capital indictments, the first
which was for shooting at Rowley HILL Esq. Mr. HILL with great
generosity interfered with the court in his favour, in consequence of
which the Judges were pleased to intimate their intention of
recommending him to mercy.

John DOGHERTY pleaded guilty to a capital indictment for taking arms
and some favourable circumstances in his conduct appearing, the court
was pleased to extend the same hopes to him.

James HAMILTON was found guilty of endeavouring to obtain ball
cartridges from some of the soldiery and sentenced to 2 years

9 January 1799
At Colerain Mr. James HUTCHENSON merchant

cheers~ Teena
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