Hello Friends

The following news announcement was transcribed by me from the
Lyttelton Times, for which, I have received the National Libraries
pernission to re-post

15 Feb. 1862 The Matoaka The following is a list of the Provincial
Government immigrants;

Married Couples

James GREER and wife, Tyrone, farm laborer;
Henry McNAMARA, and wife, County Down, farm laborer;
James FERGUS wife, and two children, Armagh, farm laborer;
John Charles CORR and wife, Tyrone, farm laborer;
James WALLS, and wife;
Thomas GILLESPIE and wife, County Down, farm laborer;
Isaac CORDNER, and wife, Armagh, farm laborer;

Single Men

John EWINGS Armagh, ploughman;
William and Lawrence PEY, King's County, farm laborers;
William GIBSON, County Down, blacksmith;
Alexander SHARPE, Antrim, farm laborer;
Robert and Henry BENNETT, Armagh, ploughmen;
William ANNETT, Armagh, ploughman;
John TRACEY, Londonderry, farm laborer:
William ELAUGHAN, Armagh, farm laborer;
John Twinem, Armagh, farm laborer;
William COOKE, Londonderry, farm laborer;
Patrick SWORDS, Mayo, groom;
John MORRIS, Tyrone, farm laborer.

Single Women
Ellen GILMER, Armagh, domestic servant;

The Ship Matoaka was reported missing on 1 February 1870

Cheers~ Teena

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