Strabane Bazaar

-The Grand Drawing of Prizes took place on Wednesday, !8th inst, in
the Town Hall, Strabane, when the prizes were won as under:

1st Prize- A Cameo presented by the Pope, won by B. J. FOX, ticket No 54155.

2nd Prize- 100£ won by Mr John DOHERTY, Drain, Donemana; ticket No 64058.

3rd Prize- A black Marble Clock, won by Miss Mary DOHERTY, 627
Humboldt street, Brooklyn, USA ticket No 12482A.,

4th Prize- A Gold Watch and Chain, won by Mr W. F. KENNEDY, Main
street, Strabane, ticket No 61542

5th Prize -A Suit of Vestments, won by Mrs J. BRADLEY, Strabane; ticket No 3077.

6th Prize - A Pole Trap won by Miss Bridget COYLE, Bishop street,
Derry; ticket No 65014.

7th Prize - A Suite of Drawing room Furniture, won by Mr Robert ADAMS,
Letterbin; ticket No 81727.

8th Prize - A Ten Pound Note, won by Mr Patrick ROWSE, Moorlough;
ticket No 90634.

9th Prize - A Ten Pound Note, won by Miss M. BOYLE 540 East 10th
street, U S A; ticket No 10505A. (no City mentioned)

10th Prize - A Ten Pound Note, won by Mr W. M'DEVITT, Castlefin;
ticket No 66053.

11th Prize - A Gold Watch, won by W. FERRIS , Fulton; ticket No 19079A.

12th Prize - A Fat Bullock, won by Ellen O'DONNELL, Holmraside; ticket No 13573.

13th Prize -A Gold Hunting Watch won by J. BROWNE Chamberlain place,
Derry; ticket No 87621.

14th Prize -- Electro plated Tea and Coffee Service, won by Mr P.
M'DERMOTT, 1345 Lambert street; ticket No 87967.

15th Prize -A Gold Hunting Watch, won by B. M. DERRY; ticket No 24963.

16th Prize - An Electro plated Tea and Coffee Service, won by Mr John
MAGUIRE, Coatbridge; ticket No 22100.

17th Prize - A Five pound Note, won by Miss BREW, Henry street,
Kilrush. county Clare; ticket No. 70163.

18th Prize - A Sewing Machine, won by Mr Nicholas QUINN, Ballindrait;
ticket No 37839.

19th Prize - Half Chest of Tea, won by Miss Mary M'KENNA, Fallagloon,
Maghera; ticket No 99591.

20th Prize - A 50lb Chest of Tea, won by Mr James CARTAN, Lough Ashe,
Donemana; ticket No 35961

21st Prize - A Diamond Ring, won by Mrs O'CONNOR, Barrhead; ticket No 84416

22nd Prize Copy of Shakespeare, won by Mr W. J. GALLAGHER, Glasgow;
ticket No 8273.

23rd Prize - Pair of Gold Earrings, won by Mrs E. O'SULLIVAN,
Strabane; ticket No 73740

24th Prize Baby's Robe, won by Mrs Ellen DUNNE, Claraban, Clonmel;
ticket No 89137

25th Prize - Pair of Oil Paintings, won by Mr Pat. ASHE, Convoy;
ticket No 86293.

26th Prize - An Encyclopeclia, won by F. FLEMING, Clydebank, Glasgow:
ticket No 34741.

27th Prize - Pair of Oil Paintings, won by Mrs NELSON, Castlefin;
ticket No 54226.

28th Prize - Suit of Navan Serge, won by Mr Robert GAYNOR ,
Derrypatrick, Dunsaney; ticket No 90928.

29th Prize - Suit of Superfine Black Cloth, won by Mr Robert M'DONALD,
Porthall; ticket No 73643.

30th Prize - Gold Guard Chain, won by Mr.P. M'MENAMIN, J P. Strabane;
ticket No 81999.

3lst Prize - A Field Glass, won by Miss Ellen DEVLIN, Rathgonan,
Limerick; ticket No 61131.

32nd Prize - A Lady's Silver Watch, won by Mrs INCH, Inchany; ticket No 81933.

Holders of winning numbers to communicate with Mr Edward GALLAGHER, or
Mr John CAMPBELL, Strabane, honorary secretaries

Belfast Morning News Mon. 18 Jan. 1897


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