WJGO >> It does not seem axiomatic that accented characters for Esperanto would 
necessarily be included in a digital encoding of the accented characters needed 
for the languages of Europe.

DS > Where does languages of Europe come from? 

It seems to me that an alternative scenario could quite easily, and possibly 
more probably, have been what had happened, namely that a list of the countries 
of Europe had been made and then starting from that list, the main language of 
each country in that list then be added into a list of languages to be 
supported, with Esperanto not even having been thought about. Also, it could 
have been that if Esperanto had been suggested that the idea could have been 
dismissed as Esperanto were not the language of a country or dismissed for some 
negative opinion about Esperanto or some other purported reason.

It seems axiomatic that the accented characters for French and German would be 
included, yet not axiomatic that the accented characters for Esperanto 
included. So I wondered how they came to become encoded.

Back in the 1960s I saw a list of the accented characters needed to typeset in 
various European languages. It was in the Riscatype catalogue of metal type. 
Esperanto was included in that list. Is it possible that that list was used 
years later in deciding which accented characters to include in an electronic 

I remember that in the early 1970s two researchers were trying to translate 
what they thought was a paper in Spanish and having great problems. I glanced 
at the text and pointed out that it was Portuguese. Asked if I spoke Portuguese 
I replied that I did not, but that, being interested in printing, I knew that 
the a tilde character was used in Portuguese and not in Spanish: so the 
Riscatype list was helpful to them.

DS > Latin Extended-A is not designed to exclusively cover Europe, and both ISO 
8859-3 and Extended-A cover Turkish.

Well, part of Turkey is in Europe.

DS > The largest Esperanto libraries have about 25,000 books, and there's a 
large collection of people wanting to use Esperanto on the Internet;  ... 


DS > ... moreover, the encoding decision is trivial, being a simple and 
uncontested set of twelve codepoints.

Well, the decision was not necessarily trivial nor uncontested: that is now a 
part of history and maybe some documentation will be found to describe what was 
the situation at the time.

DS > Of all the Latin script characters not encoded in Unicode 1.1, I doubt any 
of them have 1% the use of the Esperanto characters. Not encoding them upfront 
would have been silly.

I have been interested in Esperanto since the 1960s when I found an Esperanto 
dictionary in an antiquarian bookshop. I had not previously known of Esperanto. 
I asked the bookshop owner about this language and he explained and I bought 
the dictionary and a copy of the English version of the book The Life of 
Zamenhof, by Edmond Privat. Soon after I bought a copy of Teach Yourself 
Esperanto and some years later in the early 1970s I bought the Teach Yourself 
Esperanto Dictionary. In the late 1990s I gained two certificates in Esperanto, 
namely for Elementary and Intermediate levels.

More recently I have written a song in Esperanto and I am hoping to record it 
and place it on the web so that it will become archived by the British Library. 
The song lyrics use g circumflex many times and s circumflex a few times and I 
was thinking that it is good that the characters are available in Unicode.

DS > Kie ekzistas vivo, ekzistas espero.


For the benefit of readers who do not know any Esperanto, I translate to 
English what David wrote

Where there exists life, there exists hope.


Where there is life, there is hope.

and the translation into English of my reply is


I am also trying to draft a petition to send to the Unicode Technical Committee 
about encoding some localizable sentences with their symbols in plane 13 and 
building localizable sentence technology as a part of Unicode for the future.

As part of the introduction I am seeking to compare and contrast Esperanto and 
localizable sentence technology.

Both are intended to assist communication through the language barrier. Neither 
is intended to replace natural languages. 

Esperanto can be used to construct a sentence for any meaning. Yet localizable 
sentences are for a finite set of sentences.

Esperanto does need to be learned as a language before it can be used, quicker 
and simpler than learning French or German, yet still taking quite a lot of 
study. Localizable sentences could be used easily, just by learning how to use 
a cascading menu system with category headings and sentences localized into 
one's own native language: there is the capability to include names, not 
localizable, within a stream of localizable sentences and escape  mechanisms 
for adding unlocalizable items in Esperanto or in a natural language. 

Before encoding as electronic characters, the letters used for Esperanto had 
been in use by a lot of people for many years, in handwriting and in print. 
Localizable sentence characters, by being part of a pure electronic technology, 
have no history of use, so an encoding would be so that the technology could 
become used. Whether that use would happen is open for opinions to be 
expressed, yet unless the encoding takes place no one can be certain that an 
encoding into regular Unicode would be used or would not be used.

William Overington

24 March 2015

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