Is that enough for ***silLISTAR***?

>>It also doesn't work in Word 2000 over Windows 2000 which my colleagues
>>are using for preparing their documents. Anyone knows a method? (It's
>>really a pain that Microsoft's Farsi keyboard doesn't have ZWNJ on it.)
>Is there a straightforward method of getting a macro to insert a 
>character by number? I can think of roundabout, clumsy ways of doing 
>it, but I don't know of a VB function for it.
>If we can get a macro to do this, we can assign that macro to a key 

OK, I tried my own advice, and this is the macro code I got back:

Selection.TypeText Text:=ChrW(8204)

I don't claim to understand this code entirely, but it does seem to 
work for Word 2000 under Windows 2000. That is, setting the cursor 
between two meems and inserting U+8204 gives the sequence meem ZWNJ 
meem with no joining. I haven't tried it on the keyboard yet.

I'm going to test this meme out more thoroughly on a few of my 
favorites among the less accessible CJK characters.
Edward Cherlin       A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        there is nothing left to add, but when there is
Ask--Someone knows   nothing left to take away.--Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
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