
I am sending your question to the Unicode public email list 
http://www.unicode.org/consortium/distlist.html for a possible answer from one of the 
list subscribers.


Magda Danish
Sr. Administrative Director
The Unicode Consortium

> -----Original Message-----
> Date/Time:    Mon Apr 19 05:09:20 EDT 2004
> Contact:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Report Type:  Other Question, Problem, or Feedback
> Opt Subject:  Unicode conversion
> I would like to convert a 2 byte Unicode code into its
> corresponding Unicode character (for instance the decimal 1063 or the
> hexadecimal 0427 into 'Ч'). Is there a C function in order to make the
> conversion? What file .h do I need to include in the C program? Can I
> use the 6.0 version of the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler, or do i
> need a newer version?
> Thanks a lot in advance.
> Mino Napoletano
> -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
> (End of Report)

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