FYI, Markus Kuhn sent the following comments to the authors of PUDTR#25.
They are of sufficient general interest to warrant discussion on
the list.


PS: I've refreshed the HTML so there should be fewer problems for people
to read the equations in section 5 on Win2K or XP.

>X-Mailer: exmh version 2.3+CL 01/14/2001 with nmh-1.0.4
>To: Barbara Beeton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Asmus Freytag <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>         Murray Sargent III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (linux-utf8)
>Subject: PDUTR #25: Unicode Support for Mathematics
>Date: Thu, 03 Jan 2002 17:11:50 +0000
>From: Markus Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Dear Unicode Maths team,
>I've read with enthusiasm your draft document
>and have great hopes that this project for "Unicode Plain Text Encoding
>of Mathematics" will progress well and be widely implemented once it is
>I thought (from comp.text.sgml discussions in the early 1990s) that it
>was in general widely accepted that SGML is in practice far too
>inconvenient for entering mathematical text and that and math DTD will
>not lead naturally to intuitive and consistent keyborad entry
>techniques, which is why I always considered MathML more an academic
>exercise than anything that I would ever really want to use to get work
>done. MathML has never been anywhere near being a potential competitor
>for TeX.
>I therefore observe with great interest that Unicode plans to treat
>mathematics as just yet another complex script (like Indic, etc.), in a
>way such that finally authors of SGML/XML document type definitions and
>style sheets will not have to make much further provisions for support
>of mathematics than for example define a single element for marking a
>displayed equation. Also the prospect of being able to search for
>mathematical formula fragments with web search engines is exciting.
>A few comments on the current draft:
>   - It is not yet clear, how white-space is to be handled. In TeX,
>     the math mode has a lot of heuristics for adding white space where
>     mathematical typographic tradition finds it convenient, for example
>     around every operator. It has often been observed that scientific papers
>     written in Word have often far inferiour mathematical spacing than
>     papers written in TeX, because TeX's heuristic algorithms are
>     far better than an inexperienced author. However, these heuristics
>     fail frequencly, and more often then desireable, TeX users have to
>     manually override the math spacing with \, and the like.
>     Your current text does not yet make it clear, whether the additional
>     white space used around mathematical operators will be added by the
>     rendering engine and font (as in TeX) or will be encoded in the plain
>     text. I suspect encoding the whitespace in the plaintext is ultimately
>     preferable, as it will ensure more control in a portable way, even
>     though that means that typographic beginners will be more likely
>     to produce ugly formulas. Heuristc's like TeX's would have to become
>     part of the keyboard entry and style checking mechanisms of the
>     editor (like the Word spell checker), not of the rendering engine.
>     This should make results hopefully more predictable across a wide
>     range of rendering engines.
>   - On section 5.1 "Recognizing Mathematical Expressions":
>     With intra-formula white-space being encoded in the plain text, and
>     variables typically being written in the Plane 1 math characters, there
>     should never be a need to explicitly delimit mathematical formulas
>     from "normal text", as for the rendering engine, they would just be
>     normal text. In other words, it would be desireable if your proposal
>     wouldn't make having section 5.1 necessary.
>   - What is missing at the moment are a mechanism for handling matrices
>     commutative diagrams and similar tabular arrangements of inline
>     formulas. Most markup languages and rendering engines have already
>     very sophisticated mechanisms for the layout of tables. I think,
>     the best appraoch would be to simply use or slightly extend the
>     already available table mechanism to encode matrices. All that Unicode
>     has to add is a combining modifier corresponding to TeX's \left and
>     \right command that instructs a delimiter glyph to grow with the
>     height of the text in between, which could include an inline table with
>     centered alignment. Don't dublicate what the existing table engines
>     already provide. In that light, I would reconsider the need for the
>     briefly mentioned align-over operator.
>     Using the table mechanism of the higher markup language has numerous
>     advantages:
>       - the DTD keeps control over where matrices are allowed (e.g., only in
>         displayed equations, but not inline and not in headings or
>         keyword lists)
>       - layout and cut&paste selection in tables is a very complex process,
>         you really don't want to have to implement that twice
>     It is true that plaintext Unicode matrixes would simplify the
>     cut&paste of matrices as well, but that is probably not worth the cost
>     of blurring the currently quite clear interface between a paragraph
>     redering engine and a page/table layout engine. Dramatically simplified
>     versions of MathML on to of plaintext Unicode math can still be used
>     to encode matrices in a portable and reusable way.
>   - A stylistic comment: I think it would suit the text better not
>     too spend such a lot of time with critizising TeX and MathML.
>     Knowledgeable readers will be well familiar with TeX and will
>     discover for themselves the advantages of your approach over
>     existing practice, and the inadequacies of MathML are obvious to
>     anyone who had even a brief look at the entire idea of encoding
>     formulas in XML.
>The proposal is certainly still in an early stage, but it is heading in
>the right direction and I will follow its progress with great interest!
>Markus G. Kuhn, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK
>Email: mkuhn at,  WWW: <>

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