A while ago I upgraded my backup NAS to 4.1.x and implemented storage
pools so that I could expand above the 16tb limit.  It was a pig to get
it working, and still not that good - I have problems upgrading LMS
because the shares are now mounted from /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/Music 
instead of share/MD0_DATA/Music.  SSOTS seems not compatible, and
changing some of the conf files still did not sort it, so I had to
create symlinks to get round the issues (which I have to do every time I
want to update LMS.   

I now need to implement storage pools on my main music server QNAP so am
about to do a clean install.  So I am wondering - 
Is anyone out there running LMS 7.8 or 7.9 on a QNAP NAS with 4.1.x and
Storage pools.  Also Musicip anyone?  Any problems?  

I know there are a few mods to be made to SSOTS anyway for 7.8/7.9 -
would be nice if we could do the mods once as a community and make them
available to save us all having to do the same mods each install.

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