Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Plugins will not Update on new install to Ubuntu 14.04

2014-09-21 Thread slimhase
SlimChances wrote: I found this command Code: sudo chown -R username:group directory at which solved my dilemma Hi SlimChances; I just stumbled into the

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Plugins will not Update on new install to Ubuntu 14.04

2014-09-21 Thread SlimChances
slimhase wrote: Hi SlimChances; I just stumbled into the same issue. Could you explain in more detail what you needed to do? i.e. not the generic Code: sudo chown -R username:group directory but the exact, so a newbee like me

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Plugins will not Update on new install to Ubuntu 14.04

2014-09-21 Thread slimhase
SlimChances wrote: You should refer to the link as I think it may give more explicit direction. Basically the username is your username that you see in the command prompt in terminal and to sign in to your computer and the group can be the same(I sued the same name for both). Hi; I did read

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Plugins will not Update on new install to Ubuntu 14.04

2014-09-21 Thread SlimChances
slimhase wrote: Hi; I did read the link, but I am still unsure as to what I should set the username and group. should the username be 'root' or 'squeezeboxserver'; the group 'root' or 'nogroup' ? That is more specific to LMS than the general Ubuntu stuff on the link. Again, any help

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Plugins will not Update on new install to Ubuntu 14.04

2014-09-21 Thread slimhase
SlimChances wrote: Sorry you're right I gave you the wrong user name to use. Here is a screenshot of my /var/lib/squeezeboxserver properties Thanks, SlimChance. However, it seems that my problem is a different one. Triodes Spotify just won't install, even if permissions are set right / not

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Plugins will not Update on new install to Ubuntu 14.04

2014-05-06 Thread SlimChances
I found this command Code: sudo chown -R username:group directory at which solved my dilemma Logitech Media Server Version: 7.8.0 - 1386246861 @ Fri Dec 6 19:06:27