Dear Friends of a Distinctive, Confessional Lutheran Ministry of Word and 

The Augustana Ministerium has been doing its best to spend everything it can to 
help pastors and their families with medical bills, rent or mortgage payments, 
clothing and food for their families, and whatever other needs it can meet. 
Over $200,000.00 has been given to those who are suffering over the past ten 

Unfortunately, very few pastors seem to publicize the needs of the *only* 
organization doing this on a large scale, so the funding is getting rather 
thin…even while the ranks of those who need help continue to grow. One LCMS 
pastor has had needs of nearly $10,000.00 taken care of so far this year…but 
his needs are not ending…but The Augustana Ministerium’s resources to help him 
are, unless you contribute “very soon”…like within the week.

Thus, I implore you to make out a check of whatever size and send it to:

The Augustana Ministerium
c/o The Rev. Gregory J. Schultz, Bursar
1314 S. Cattleman Dr.
Milliken, CO 80543

AND ALSO, to spread this request around your congregation, so that others may 

IF YOU WOULD RATHER donate online, either send via PayPal to or click a “Donate” button on The Augustana Ministerium’s 
web site at

If you send a check, please email the Rev. Gregory Schultz, TAM’s Bursar, to 
let him know that it is coming. Just send to

Thank you for considering this request; a good many pastors whose congregations 
either wouldn’t *or legitimately COULDN’T* pay them enough to sustain them in 
dire needs have been helped by The Augustana Ministerium…but this organization 
that spends next to nothing in administrative costs and has never had (and will 
never have) a paid employee cannot con tin to exist without the funds that let 
it give the aid that is the reason for its existence.

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