Our next meetup is Thursday, March 15, at 7pm, at the Vivint building in
Lehi. Derek Caswell will be talking about "TDD in the Real World". Please
join us! There will be some prizes to hand out at the end as well,
including a 1 year JetBrains license, some light-up yo-yos from JetBrains,
and ZendCon T-Shirts.

For more details see

We are looking for sponsors for food and prizes. Please reply back if you
or your organization can sponsor a meetup!

In April we'll have Tom Anderson talking about Coding Standards, and in May
I'll be presenting on a topic that is TBD. We need speakers for June and
on, so if you are interested please email me or talk to me at the next

Mark your calendars for the OpenWest Conference coming up on June 7-9 at
the South Towne Exposition Center.

I hope to see you on March 15!

Mark Niebergall
UPHPU President


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