We will also have Jimmy Johns sandwiches provided by Alex Clark with
TEKsystems for the meetup this Thursday. She is a great resource to talk
with if you are looking for your next work opportunity. Thank you Alex.

Mark Niebergall

On Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 8:15 AM, Mark Niebergall <mbnieberg...@gmail.com>

> UPHPUers,
> Our next meetup is this Thursday, February 15, at 7pm in the Vivint
> building in Lehi at Thanksgiving Point. Please join us for an excellent
> talk by Matthew Hill on ECMAScript 2015. This will be a great opportunity
> to learn more about JavaScript, network with other PHP developers in the
> area, and a chance to win some swag at the end.
> For more details, please see https://www.meetup.com/
> Utah-PHP-User-Group/events/zdkfgmyxdbtb/.
> Thanks,
> Mark Niebergall
> UPHPU President


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