On Thu, 11 Mar 2021 at 23:31, Mark Wieder via use-livecode <
use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:

> Sean-
> What happens when a folder or a file gets renamed?

The main purpose of me having an FileSystem Array *like this* was for DLT
or BluRay _archives_ of projects, so no file alterations would occur. I
needed a simple way of storing what files were where and how big they were,
etc. It doesn't fit every solution, I know, but it can get you there. It
was an 'Example', not a de facto solution that covers all. I wasn't being
pretentious or trying to proclaim the 'Best' way to store for FileSystems.
The example, a really dumbed down one, was there to demonstrate an
alternative way of using arrays, sub-arrays, and hybrid arrays. It's a mix
of LC base arrays [][][] and (sort-of) JS style arrays [,,,].

Why is it always the same crowd that picks holes and beats down without
properly reading the OP and getting the sense of the 'community spirit' it
is written in? And then I get a barrage of abuse for pointing out the
misunderstood replies. It just perpetuates my BPD. If you can't positively
contribute, keep schtum!
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