I have an Android app I've been selling only from my website. It works as a free version until the user enters an email address matched to a paid-for entry in a database (meaning, they can pay for the full version from my site, when then upgrades the status of their email address in a central database). I'd like to submit this app to Google Play.

I realize Google Play won't accept this upgrade method. This leaves me two choices:

1. Create and submit to Google separate Free and Premium versions of the app.
2. Use an in-app purchase system (i.e. freemium model).

I've already designed and tested the in-app purchase upgrade code in my (now selling) IOS app. Is the code used for that identical to what I would use in the Android version? It's a simple non-consumable upgrade.

How do people suggest I proceed? Option 1 or 2?

Richard Miller

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