using LC Business v8.1.9 on Windows 7 Pro and/or LC Business v9.0 on Mac 10.12.6

in the Message Box, put:
put "                  put x into y" into x; put 
produces "false"

in the Message Box, put:
put "                put x" into x; put matchText(x,"^\s(put)?((?!into).)*$")
produces "true"

BOTH results are correct.

Now try to use that same pattern match (without the quotes) within the FIND => 
"More" of the Script Editor (with the script of a scripted object being viewed 
as the current tab) with the "Find options" set to "Regular Expression" and 
"Look in" set to "Current Tab"
produces "Total results found: 0" when, I would have anticipated, it should 
have found ALL lines WITH "put" but WTHOUT the phrase "into" (assuming there 
are some)... you can remove the "put" component of the RegEx and it still won't 
find anything.

Same result when using the FIND utility of the IDE, after checking the "Reg 
Expression", selecting an object with some script (using the Project Browser), 
setting the "In" to "The current selection"
produces "0 objects found

I am trying to use either FIND utility to display the script lines which simply 
"put" stuff to the Message Box (i.e. lines with no "put {...} into {...}" (or 
"after" or "before"... but starting with "into")) which I use extensively in 
debugging scripts.

Wrong RegEx? Bug?

Yes, I could write a script to read all scripts and then use "matchText" (as 
above).. but why won't the FIND utilities do this for me?

Also of note... using RegEx in the Script Editor FIND => More... can EASILY 
lock up LC ... e.g. enter:

^\s?((?into).)* into "Find what:" (which "matchText" returns as "true" for any 
string) This locks up LC when used in the Script Editor's FIND function .. and 
be ready to have to kill the "livecode" process... at least under Windows 7.

Douglas Ruisaard
Trilogy Software
(250) 573-3935

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