Deleting stacks on the fly

2017-02-11 Thread Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami via use-livecode
I'm trying to optimize for minimal RAM usage on mobile. The app is modular with 
many stacks that are opened from the mainstack.

I had this before in a global library:

command portal_GoStack stackName
-- goes to the new stack
-- closes the current stack # But we want to delete it to clear RAM
-- safely ignores if we are alrady in the new stack
put the short name of this stack into oStackName
if oStackName = stackName then return oStackName
go to stack stackName
--close stack oStackName
-- test deleting the stacks to save on RAM
delete stack oStackName
return oStackName
end portal_GoStack

This is called from a button on a navigation bar of the stack we want to close 
and delete, as it opens a different stack.

This works if we just use "close stack oStackName"

but if I change this to "delete stack oStackName"

we get an error: stack "lib_SivaSivaPortal": execution error at line n/a 
(Object: stack locked, or object's script is executing) near "widget 
"go-home-portal" of group "homeScreensBottomNav" of card "images-quotes" of 

Obviously this means that the stack "gem.livecode" which has the button which 
is trying to "navigate" back to the home/main stack, cannot be deleted because 
the button script that calls the library handler is considered to be executing.

Closing it first before deleting does not help.

so I tried using "send in 10 milliseconds"  And this *does* work.. I'm just 
trying to see if this is best practice. both stacks will occupy RAM briefly, 
but  there is no other way that I know of to avoid this without a "flash" of 
some empty screen.

command portal_GoStack stackName
-- goes to the new stack
-- closes the current stack
-- safely ignores if we are alrady in the new stack
put the short name of this stack into oStackName
if oStackName = stackName then return oStackName
go to stack stackName
send "removeStack oStackName" to me in 10 milliseconds
return oStackName
end portal_GoStack

command removeStack stackName
delete stack stackName
end removeStack

Stack A opens
Stack B opens on top
Stack B want to close itself, be deleted (removed from memory) and open stack A

Anyone has gone through this loop already and discovered best practices to 
accomplish this?


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Re: Windows and OSX 64-bit builds?

2017-02-11 Thread hh via use-livecode
This is a well known visual phenomena:
When I'm tired I also switch sometimes 'in between reading'
the temporarily memorized decimal point from the beginning to
the end of a three-digit-block (did it recently in the forum).

It mostly works for me (if not 'computing') to force myself
to obey the rule, for the decimal prefixes, starting from Byte:

Kilobytes = 10^3  Bytes => cut most right three
MegaBytes = 10^6  Bytes => cut most right 6 (another three)  
GigaBytes = 10^9  Bytes => cut most right 9 (another three)
TeraBytes = 10^12 Bytes => cut most right 12 (another three)

As Phil hints, to use number words may be misleading here because
'billion' has different meanings in Europe (1 billion = 10^12) and
in the USA (1 billion = 10^9).

>> Bob S. wrote:
>> Isn't it kBytes not bits? So 32,000 * 32000 Bytes (a pixel takes up
>> one Byte in 8 bit color) which comes to 1,024,000,000 BYTES. That's
>> 1.024 terabytes, unless my faculties have wholly abandoned me.
>> Of course, a black and white image is 1,024,000 BYTES, or 1.023 GIGS,
>> but are we talking about black and white images?
> Phil D. wrote:
> Your labels are one order of magnitude off the actual values, Bob. Say 
> it with me: 1,024,000,000 BYTES is "one billion bytes" (and change, 
> depending on whose standard you use). Of course one billion bytes is a 
> gigabyte.
> Same with the labeling of 1,024,000 BYTES = 1000kb = a megabyte, not a gig.

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Re: PUT method where is returned data?

2017-02-11 Thread Bob Hall via use-livecode
On Feb 10, 2017, at 9:52 AM, Trevor DeVore via use-livecode 
>  I much prefer reading ’the urlresopnse’ in my code than
> dealing with ‘it’ which is meaningless until put into another variable.

In my defense — it was my attempt at figuring out where PUT put the response 
data. I was desperate to figured it out and thought it might contain my JSON 
response. It is not part of my regular coding. But I'll admit. I was using 
Hypercard at v1.0 so it is my fall back when all else fails. Old habits are 
hard to break ;-)

Thanks for the help and reminding me about urlResponse. My API wrapper is 
working like a charm!

Bob Hall
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