Small and strange problem

2020-05-11 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
I seem to have my posts dropped at the moment hence this, I'm seeing the same error with on mouseUp pMouseButton put (tMins/60) into tMins answer tMins end mouseUp button "Button": execution error at line 2 (Operators /: error in left operand), char 1 Interestingly this on mouseUp pMous

Re: HyperCard

2019-07-23 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
BBC article about HyperCard, history and lack of successor, omitting any mention of Livecode! This is the Twitter link for the article. Add a retweet, comment, let's help get Livecode noticed.

Re: Is there a way to use custom icons in the navbar widget?

2019-06-16 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
There was talk at one point of being able to link to github repositories directly from within LiveCode share. I think this was from last years online conference? This would be a great way to share code snippets ect but I have not seen any reference to this since. - Andy Piddock My softwa

Re: IDE 9.0.4 and 9.0.5rc1 getting slow again on win10?

2019-05-23 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Using LC 9.5.0 DP1 64bit Windows on Windows 10 64bit The only slowdowns I've seen are when the message box is opened with a /put/ then each time this is done LC turns to treacle. However apart from this release is performance wise much much better than previous releases. - Andy Piddock

Re: ANN: Script Editor Refactoring Support

2019-03-21 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
This is outstanding..what a contribution to the community. Found one problem though.. No close/dismiss button. - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE

Re: Localisation - Internationalization Package

2019-03-20 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
No t quite fitting what you want but, I found this a couple of days ago on Product hunt and thought you may find it of interest. - Andy Piddock My software never

Re: password protected stack and passkey

2019-03-20 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
The password function protects the script of your stack files so that they are scrambled when viewed in a text editor or if they are opened in in the LC IDE a password is required before you are able to view or edit the stack files. I just tried using the Standalone Application Settings option of

Re: [off]sublimeText update

2019-03-16 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
> But I agree that Navigator having a crap-ton of script-only behaviors is > cumbersome in the IDE if you're showing IDE stacks. At the moment we can hide plugins but only by prefixing the stack name with rev. It would be great if we could have another prefix for plugins so that they do not get

Re: scriptEditor windows

2019-03-06 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
> You have made me feel both stupid and happy simultaneously. Sounds like my usual state of being! - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCode Script editor Themer for LC

Re: scriptEditor windows

2019-03-06 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Like this? - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCode Script editor Themer for LC

Re: SVG icons in buttons

2019-02-26 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
SVGs can also now be Imported As Control > Image svg is now included as an image file type. - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCode Script editor Themer for LC Poi

Re: Livecode or Windows (10) issue?

2019-02-26 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
What Control key combination are you using? So that we can test. - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCode Script editor Themer for LC PointandSee is a FREE simple b

Re: Collaborate on UI Handlers

2019-02-14 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Hi Brahmanathaswami, LiveCode said a while back that they were looking at a snippets system..but this seems to have passed on by. And I started building a snippets system for my own..but then thought instead of the time needed to maintain this, I thought why not just put them on public GitHub gis

Re: windows defender issues? & other AV issues?

2019-01-08 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
This 'thrashing about' of messages may also explain why the situation (speed) is impacted when the project browser and message box are open? - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCode Sc

Re: glo webhooks

2018-12-03 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Glo boards and GitKracken are great pieces of software, Ive been using both for a while now and find them both very intuitive and easy to use, I especially like the Globoards intigration with GitHub issues. I somehow managed to miss the webhooks announcement, exciting!...lets see what we can come

Re: use password protected scripts on LC web server

2018-11-18 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
You can also put your LC scripts outside the public web root, then include them in a calling LC script for extra security. - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCode Script editor Themer

Re: [off]Hactoberfest

2018-10-20 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Yes, the docs are a great introduction way in for contributing to LiveCode and for using GitHub. I've learned a lot from the experience so far with some gentle but instructive nudges from Panos. Also for the bug fix note, you can also create one directly in GitHub, using the 'Create new file' butt

Re: [off]Hactoberfest

2018-10-19 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
I was just about to add notes on adding the bugfix note from my experience as a first time contributor, and then what! you've already made a video about this. Excellent. It would be great if these videos could be linked in the contributors docs. Just for your info .. it was as a direct result of

Re: [off]Hactoberfest

2018-10-15 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Hi Trevor, Excellent clear tutorial, thanks for this. - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCode Script editor Themer for LC PointandSee is a FREE simple but full fea

Re: Script Editor Slow on Windows (any Macs?)

2018-09-26 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
As something to test. I've noticed that the script editor problems worsen when either the project browser or message box have been opened, the longer these are open the more the script editor ... in all of LC 9 series gets. If I do not have the project browser open or use the message box then the

Re: Mobile write to text file woes

2018-09-22 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Jacqueline, love the prose, put a smile on my face before bed. - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCode Script editor Themer for LC PointandSee is a FREE simple but

Re: Mobile write to text file woes

2018-09-22 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Hi Hugh, Have a look at this lesson I'm sure it will help If the location is right then the file you can write - Andy Pid

Re: Windows 10 and Me.

2018-09-16 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Should be in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\RunRev\Preferences - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCode Script editor Themer for LC PointandSee is a FREE simpl

Re: Windows 10 and Me.

2018-09-16 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Did you remove all the preference file first before trying to install the other versions? The original install by the boy may have resulted in a corrupted preferences file? - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimali

Re: For those who do not know lcTasklist

2018-08-21 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Also just purchased lcTaskList ... why did I wait sooo long! Extra useful and saves sifting through code notes. Clicking on an item in lcTaskList takes you straight to the line in the script with the corresponding tag .. even opens the script editor if necessary. Highly recommended. - An

Re: fullscreenmode and rect of a substack on mobile device ?

2018-08-18 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
you could try using either the working or effective adjectives before the screenRect working ScreenRect effective screenRect to see if you get better results? from the dictionary /Adding the working adjective to either form returns the virtual co-ordinates of each screen's working-area. The wo

Re: Preview HTML of a field

2018-08-15 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Add a browser widget and then set the htmlText of widget "Browser" to field "myField" - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCode Script editor Themer for LC Pointan

Re: [ANN] Release 9.0.1 RC-1

2018-07-13 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Big thank you to the team for this. LiveCode on Windows is now usable! No lag when the message box and the Project Browser are is use. Just tried /set the acceleratedRendering of this stack to "true"/ in an Android project and no black screen and the quit command works as expected. Great work!!!

Re: LiveCode Builder linter support for Sublime Text

2018-05-28 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Thanks Trevor, Excellent timing, I've just started my Adventure with lcb and this helps tremendously. - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCode Script editor Themer for LC http://2108.c

Re: Windows 10 and LC9.0

2018-05-26 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Windows and V9 is more problematic than the 8 series. Unfortunately before any of the problems previously mentioned are looked at, the message queuing and subsequent slow down, juttering and eventual crashing of the ide when either the script editor, project browser or message box are in extended

Re: Was: URGENT: MergGoogle no longer works on iOS: CLIENTS VERY UNHAPPY

2018-05-26 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Hello Sean, You've had a tough journey, that's for sure, its good to see that you are now thinking about the future and how to move forward. Wishing you well in whatever direction you decide to go. - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE

Re: Removing a stack from memory...

2018-05-15 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
This is my go-to routine for quitting applications which seems always to get the job done. //General quit routine on quitMyProject lock messages -- stop using stacks put the stacksInUse into myStacks repeat for each line myStack in myStacks stop using stack myStack end repeat

Re: LC on Windows - slow for others or just me?

2018-05-02 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Must agree that 9 series is slower on Windows 10 than previous versions. Win 10 pro 64 bit Observations 1. Instances of Livecode do not always shut down correctly and have to be closed via the Task Manager.Failure to notice this can cause IDE hangs, crashes and corrupted scripts when saving. 2.

Re: URGENT: MergGoogle no longer works on iOS: CLIENTS VERY UNHAPPY

2018-05-02 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Hello Sean, I don't know you personally but I hope you take on board my sincere personal message to you. It sounds like you are in a very bad place at the moment. Please do not do anything rash, try to get some sleep and let your emotions settle. Then talk to your wife or if that's to difficult a

Re: LiveCode Widget Factory

2018-02-22 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Maybe a bit off the wall, but, how about some non visual Android widgets. Eg a widget for accessing Google Ad-mob which has a status of visible in the ide but hidden in the compiled version. The properties are for your keys etc. Again for Google LeaderBoards etc. As for visual.. look here https:

Re: Roadmap: "Automated REST API wrapping"?

2018-01-17 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
I believe from my take on the discussion at the LCG, that the api wrapping will be for specific common and widely used api's., so automatic wrapping my be little misleading . - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minima

Re: Dropbox help

2018-01-16 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Does this help? - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. Tiny

Re: Visibility problem

2018-01-06 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Don't you need to go to the stack after setting the visibility? go stack - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCode Script editor Themer for LC PointandSee is a FREE

Re: Optimizing for small Android devices

2017-12-28 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Also are you making sure the destroyStack to true. This should be automatically done but there is no harm in forcing it. set the destroyStack of this stack to true It might also be useful to monitor these events in the browser widget and set a timer between the browserDocumentLoadBegin and brows

Re: Optimizing for small Android devices

2017-12-28 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
I don't think its such an issue targeting the latest Android versions as Google's new developer rules as August 2018 will require that apps will be targeted at the last latest build.

Re: Optimizing for small Android devices

2017-12-27 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Do you compress your png images? If not give this a try. - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCode Script editor Themer for LC http://2108.

Re: [ANN] SivaSiva App on Google Play

2017-12-26 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
I used DU Recorder. I've tried a LOT of screen recorders and this is the best by a long way. Its totally free, no ads, no in app purchases ... a real gem! DU Recorder at Google Play Store - Andy Piddock My soft

Re: [ANN] SivaSiva App on Google Play

2017-12-26 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Also forgot to mention that there is a character encoding problem at the 3 Min mark. - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCode TinyIDE Script editor Themer for LC Poi

Re: [ANN] SivaSiva App on Google Play

2017-12-26 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Congratulations a very nice app. I've done a quick review that you might be useful. *Phone * Nokia 6 Android version 7.1.2 Internal Memory 32GB Free 22.6GB SD Card 64GB Data connection via WIFI Instead of doing a full step by step usage review I thought having a screen recording of Installation

Re: [ANN] Release 9.0.0 DP-11

2017-12-22 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Fantastic release .. what a great Christmas prezzy! Looking forward to trying out all the new features. All the elves at the LiveCode Santa cabin must have worked really hard to get this out to us before the holidays so a BIG thank you to all the team for all their efforts over the past year.

Re: Screen Resolution for Desktop Apps

2017-12-16 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Have a look at these stats. These are for Nov 2016 to Nov 2017. - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. Tiny

Re: Script Editor problem

2017-12-12 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
For future problems like this I've just updated CollectMyStacks to include stack reduction. Hope you find it useful. - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It jus

Re: [OT] Alternative to Inkscape

2017-10-04 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Also for svg - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCode TinyIDE Script editor Themer for LC PointandSee is a FREE simple but

Re: Constraining an input field's contents to be a single line.

2017-09-20 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Add this to the field script on returninField exit returninField end returninField - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCode TinyIDE Script editor Themer for LC P

Re: Constraining an input field's contents to be a single line.

2017-09-20 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Easiest way... add this to the field on returninField exit returninField end returninField - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCode TinyIDE Script editor Themer for LC http://2108.

Re: Dash "Make DocSet" stack version 1.6. and non-Mac Dash readers

2017-09-18 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
See this thread for an install guide in Zeal for Windows - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist ID

Re: IconGrid widget v2.0.2

2017-09-13 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Fantastic share...thank you. - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCode TinyIDE Script editor Themer for LC PointandSee is a FREE simple but full featured under curs

Re: Subject: Re: LC and OneSignal

2017-09-01 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Enhancement Requests added to the Quality Center for Sample Stacks - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE

Re: Subject: Re: LC and OneSignal

2017-09-01 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Sounds great Todd, looking forward to seeing the release. Re sharing stacks/code. The LiveCode IDE has Sample Stacks available from Help>Sample Stacks this is also available in a more limited way from the LiveCode website found via

Re: "Cascading" Object-Behaviors

2017-08-01 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Monte, great tool. thanks...saves a lot of time. - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCode TinyIDE Script editor Themer for LC PointandSee is a FREE simple but full f

Re: Mark in a kilt...

2017-07-31 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
What a great way to announce that LiveCode (and Scotland) have arrived. Super publicity move. - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCode TinyIDE Script editor Themer for LC

Re: Copy protection WAS Re: Hard Drives

2017-07-29 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
For Windows solution on mouseUp put $systemdrive into tSysDrive //string for the shell command put "vol " & tSySDrive into tDriveInfo //the last word of the returned info is the ACTIVE SYSTEM HD Serial set the hideConsoleWindows to true put the last word of shell(tDriveInfo) into tHDSerial

Re: Importing Unicode from MySQL

2017-07-26 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
I had the same problems a while ago, but got it sorted with the following. *Before* you do any interactions with the db, add this line. *revExecuteSQL MyConnectionID, "SET NAMES 'utf8'"* "SET NAMES 'utf8'" is needed whenever you want to send/retrieve data to/from the server having characters th

Re: Docs for IDE hooks

2017-06-25 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Thanks, Mark. - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCode TinyIDE Script editor Themer for LC PointandSee is a FREE simple but full featured under cursor colour picker

Re: Docs for IDE hooks

2017-06-24 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Hi Richard, Thanks for pointing this out. Do you know if there is an updated full list of messages one can subscribe to? I've looked in the dictionary and searching for subscribe and publish does not bring up any info? - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random f

Re: ANN: Widget Wizard

2017-06-14 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Hi Mark, Fantastic, nice idea, thanks for sharing. - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCode TinyIDE Script editor Themer for LC PointandSee is a FREE simple but ful

Re: Help me test Levure

2017-06-12 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Hi Trevor, All installed and working as documented..excellent work. Windows 10 , LC 8.4 - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCode TinyIDE Script editor Themer for LC

Re: Ben Beaumont jumps ship.

2017-06-07 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Thanks Panos for the link. I'll look a bit harder before putting both feet in! - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCode TinyIDE Script editor Themer for LC Pointand

Re: Ben Beaumont jumps ship.

2017-06-07 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Re "All the staff changes were discussed in the last blog post. It isn't a secret. Staff move on and are replaced. " Where is this blog post?.just gone to the blog page and cannot see any references to staff changes. I did not mean to be alarmist or provocative but when two highly regarded team

Re: Ben Beaumont jumps ship.

2017-06-07 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Worrying in view that Dr Peter Brett recently left as well. His twitter post here> - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.

Re: vertical text?

2017-04-12 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Try This: Add a field named "Input" Add this script to the field on returnInField send "mouseUp" to button "Format" end returnInField Add a button named "Format" Add this script to the button local tWidth local tHeight local tChars local tCount local tTemp on mouseUp put the for

Re: Anyone doing a LiveCode Community Chat Bot? Wondering

2017-03-02 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Have a look here - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCode Ti

Re: [ANN] Release 9.0.0 DP-5

2017-02-24 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Apart from all the other changes, Its great to see Android getting some updates and attention. A big well done to the team! - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCode TinyIDE Script edito

Re: [OT] doesn't have "LiveCode"

2017-02-07 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Thanks for the pointer to I haven't come across this before...great resource - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCode TinyIDE Script editor

Re: Drag List Items Up and Down

2017-02-04 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Nice addition .. thanks. - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCode TinyIDE Script editor Themer for LC PointandSee is a FREE simple but full featured under cursor col

Re: github clients

2017-02-04 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
A good write up of GitHub Desktop comparison to SourceTree. With alternatives at the bottom of the page. - Andy Piddock My software never has bug

Re: Drag List Items Up and Down

2017-02-02 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Modified script added /if within (field "myField", the mouseLoc) is true then / on mouseDown put word 2 of the clickLine into tcl set the textcolor of line tcl of me to "red" if line tcl of me is empty then exit mousedown end if put item 2 of the mouseLoc into ts

Re: Drag List Items Up and Down

2017-02-02 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Try this Create a scrolling field Add a few lines In the field properties *check the Lock text* /it will not work without this/ Add this to the field on mouseDown put word 2 of the clickLine into tcl set the textcolor of line tcl of me to "red" if line tcl of me is empty then

Re: Boring but important - selling a download product for Windows

2017-01-22 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
I use FastSpring as well..great system. I've also had the same problem with Windows installers downloads and now always zip exe just works! - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCo

Re: Exit without quitting

2017-01-18 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
I also use this all the time and have not seen this problem. Which version of LiveCode are you using? - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCode TinyIDE Script editor Themer for LC http:/

Re: Tarting up the scriptEditor

2017-01-16 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Yes I get notified on each post. - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDE a Free alternative minimalist IDE Plugin for LiveCode TinyIDE Script editor Themer for LC PointandSee is a FREE simple but full featured under cu

Re: Tarting up the scriptEditor

2017-01-16 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Hi Matthias, Have you received the email re the update? It has a link and instructions on how to install the latest version. The auto updated can be flakey so I've reverted to a manual install method. - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyID

Re: Tarting up the scriptEditor

2017-01-16 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
A new version (2.2) of Script Editor Themer has been released. Release notes can be viewed here. Now works with* Community* and *Commercial* versions of LiveCode This fixes the problems with V8 onwards. - Andy Pid

Re: Tarting up the scriptEditor

2017-01-14 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Hi Matthias , Im working on this right now and know what and how to sort the error. The problem is general to LCV8 and LCV9 and not with the OS being used. There will be an update to Seth later tonight. - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.

Re: Tarting up the scriptEditor

2017-01-14 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Hi Stephen, Im in the process of readying the latest version for open source at the moment Seth will still be a paid for product but password restriction will be removed - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. TinyIDETinyIDE a Free alternative mini

Re: Tarting up the scriptEditor

2017-01-14 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Have a look here Script editor Themer (SETH) - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. Copy the new cloud space, get your free 15GB space now: Get Copy Script editor Themer for LC P

Re: [OT] KOUSEK (or replacement) code snippet manager replacement?

2017-01-13 Thread AndyP via use-livecode
Hi Pink, Thanks very much for this stack. It's a great example for using the Treeviw Widget, nicely done. And thanks for the warning about the colors.. Sun glasses on first foks! - Andy Piddock My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. Copy the new cloud space, get