Quicktime on PC stuttering during Video displays

2018-07-30 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon via use-livecode
Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

Running LiveCode 5.5 on my Macs for many years with several
very successful conversions to a PC platform (Windows 7)
Apart  from some field parameters and choice of "more PC"
oriented character sets, I could convert in no time. Happy Bunny ! 
However, some of my Apple Livecode stacks use Quicktime to play
my audio and video tracks. For MP3, Happy Bunny once more ! 
With .MP4 (et alia), I get glitches during replay.
I've seen warnings about Quicktime on PC but I ignored them as my
video use was very limited. I put the problem on the back-burner.

Recently I use much more video, and have to solve the problem.
Google searches invited me to use VLC or KMPlayer.

What modifications must I apply to choose a good solution ?
LiveCode Help on the internet is obtuse !
Does using the "dontuseQT" command solve this problem (sounds far
too easy, even for LiveCode ….. !)

I hope that  my LiveCode status of 5.5 (can't afford LiveCode updates)
is not going to restrict me in any way.

I have a feeling that Klaus could help me out here ! (thanks for the music)

Thanks for any help

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Multiple Quicktime driven MP3/MP4 Track Player

2018-05-07 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon via use-livecode

"PlayStopped" - Ich kannte diesen Befehl nicht !
Es sollte den Trick machen.

Vielen Dank, Klaus.


-- ***

And for those  who don't grab ..

"PlayStopped" - I did not know this command !
It should do the trick.

Thank you, Klaus.

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Multiple Quicktime driven MP3/MP4 Track Player

2018-05-06 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon via use-livecode
Hi from Beautifull Brittany,

I built an app which plays indivdual MP3 and MP4 tracks from a list (one line 
per filename).
Simple play sequence (1 - show player - start player.  2 -  hide player - stop 
I can stop the play function anywhere during the play sequence, but must 
eventually  hit  "Stop"
before manually selecting the next "Play" sequence . (I think ..).
Now I want to hang on a multiplay sequence : choosing random line numbers to 
play a succession of
tracks, until the cows come home.
How do I know that an MP3/MP4 track has ended, before stopping and starting 
another play sequence ?
(Please don't tell me I can calculate the duration, 'cos the strategy isn't 
perfect and doesn't satisfy me )
Hazy explanations using strange commands found in the dictionary and on 
Internet, are nowhere near clear
enough for me to code the script (I'm Irish!, although I have more than 25 
years Hypercard and LiveCode).
I reckon that Jacque or Klaus could come up with an answer. I have seen them 
answering similar queries. 
OH ! I'm on Mac 10.12.8 but only Livecode 5.5 (I'm a poor retired engineer !), 
using Quicktime.

The answer is out there ... !!

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The case for not trying to be so English-like

2018-04-16 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon via use-livecode
Hi, Mark,

Very interesting was your post. And to reciprocate, will I add a few ideas !

I don't sleep - I listen to "BBC World Service" during many long nights. 
It covers a multitude of affairs (World-Wide). I listen to it on WiFi Channels.

A recent post led me to the following, starting with the word "Dictionary", and
then went much further, talking (explaining) about the English Language !

I think (hope) that you will find this sustaining !  . Section :  "Plain 
English" !


Six podcasts (about 15 minutes, each) about the English Language.

If you like it, please let me know - I love English, but I also learned to love 
simply because LANGUAGE is our only attempt at communicating with others.

BBC World Services is the finest radio service that I have ever encountered !

Best Regards

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Video files not showing on my PC (LiveCode 5.5)

2017-08-28 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon via use-livecode
Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

Thanks for the input Tiemo. I think that I will convert those files
that do not show, into other formats, and see how they react.
This could solve the problem ... :>))

Best Regards

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Video files not showing on my PC (LiveCode 5.5)

2017-08-26 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon via use-livecode
Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

LiveCode 5.5 (I know, I can't afford the updates - Am I the only one ?)
Sierra 10.12.3

On my Mac, I have successfully run Audio and Video functions
(Quicktime)  MP3 for Audio, MP4/Mov for Video, for some years.

Recently moving the app to PC (Windows 7, with Quicktime loaded),
all my Audio files work fine, and MOST of the videos work fine also.
But a few Video files play the audio but DO NOT SHOW the Video
(screen is blank).

I notice that the files which do not run correctly are quite big, sometimes
MP4, sometimes Mov (no obvious reasons). Otherwise - Mystery !!

My scripts have run a thousand times on Mac, but just the strange
glitches (with larger Video files MP4/Mov PERHAPS ?) on the PC.

I can send scripts if necessary.

Any ideas ? - Any 5.5 users still out there, somewhere .. ?


Subsiduary question : I bought 5.5 Mac (years ago) and I am happy with it.
Am I authorised to load the 5.5 PC version with the same Password ? It
could help me to isolate this problem ………

Long Live LiveCode

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Completely OT - flat earth

2017-08-22 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon via use-livecode
11 August 1999 - We went out on our (Honda) bikes to find THE SPOT.
It was somewhere North-East of Paris. The birds were so petrified, they
stopped singing - A once in a lifetime experience (next one here is far
enough away from today to not interest me, as I most definitely WILL
NOT be there !!!)
And for the second experience of a lifetime - LIVECODE ! All the way from
the eighties, through Hypercard, etc, and now my daily bread. Screw the 
other languages (Google Go, iOS Swift, Hack, Rust, Julia, Scala, Dart). I
have what I need, and I'm too old to spend a year (or even more) on 
investigating new languages, when LiveCode does what I want (and 
more !)

I have my flat earth, and I will use Livecode to my last day ..


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Re Quick Test for Tiemo

2017-03-31 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon via use-livecode
Sorry Tiemo,

Got a message that "MyMACs.livecode" is not a stack - can't open it with 

I wonder why ?

Using - 10.12 Sierra with LiveCode 5.5.

Best Regards


> Message: 2
> Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2017 10:28:59 +0200
> From: "Tiemo Hollmann TB" 
> To: "LiveCode User Liste senden" 
> Subject: could you please make a quick test for me?
> Message-ID: <003b01d2a9f8$da238470$8e6a8d50$@kestner.de>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Hello,
> I am replacing an old very slow function (netstat) to retrieve MAC addresses
> with another fast function (networksetup). I am replacing a part of a
> licensing system in a live program out in the market, so I have to be sure,
> to get exactly the same result from the new function. It has to be the same
> list of MAC addresses and the same sequence of MAC addresses.
> Since I only have one Mac, I would like to ask you to test my two functions
> in a small test program and send me the results in a PM by email. (just copy
> the two result fields and the kind of Mac you have into an email). So I hope
> I can verify that the results look the same on different Macs and different
> configurations.
> You can download my test program here:
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/puhlnw2mgx5tknk/myMACs.livecode?dl=0
> The function is for Mac Only and MacOS > 10.8
> Thank you for your help
> Tiemo
> --
> Message: 3
> Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2017 10:51:37 +0200
> From: Mark Waddingham 
> To: How to use LiveCode 
> Subject: Re: could you please make a quick test for me?
> Message-ID: <2c6a9c501961c1888d455bbbd219e...@livecode.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
> On 2017-03-31 10:28, Tiemo Hollmann TB via use-livecode wrote:
>> Thank you for your help
> Mine is forthcoming - btw, I suggest anyone doing this makes sure they 
> only send the results to Tiemo privately - unless you want all your Mac 
> addresses in a public forum :)
> Warmest Regards,
> Mark.
> -- 
> Mark Waddingham ~ m...@livecode.com ~ http://www.livecode.com/
> LiveCode: Everyone can create apps
> --
> Subject: Digest Footer
> ___
> use-livecode mailing list
> use-livecode@lists.runrev.com
> http://lists.runrev.com/mailman/listinfo/use-livecode
> --
> End of use-livecode Digest, Vol 162, Issue 56
> *

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Printing a formatted file from a LiveCode stack

2017-03-21 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon via use-livecode
Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

I have often printed out data from liveCode stacks - in simple form,
write to file …. etc, and got a file that I could print using Textedit,
or Word. However, It was straight text - no tabs, no formatting, nothing.

Now I want  to build a file to print out with the the minimum
of formatting. - Font size, tabs (perhaps), - nothing more.

Can't seem to find any examples when searching with Google.
I looked at : http://livecode.byu.edu/printing/printing.php
and found lots that I like, but need an existing example to
finalise my script. I seems to have two options -  Print Field
or Print Card, and I have a big field to print !
I tried RevPrintField which uses the field's text properties,
but found that the text size "x" was too small on the print
page, and "x+1" overflowed into 2 lines.  No Go There !
I liked the sequence "open printing, etc., but I don't want
to print cards, but fields !
I have often solved my problems with an example which I can
understand, and then tailor to my needs.

Is there any kind soul out there to send me an example, or point
one out in the Revonline Browser (it would take me a year to look
through the myriad of stacks offered}


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Re : write to file at end

2017-01-19 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon via use-livecode
Hi Bob,

I think that you are forgetting at least two parameters in the
open file command :

open flle ABC for update (existing file you want to READ and then WRITE to)
(I never used this form ...)
open file ABC for append  (existing fille you want to "ADD" to)
("just the job !")

I hope that this will solve your problem

Best Regards


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