
i have a simple app which tells the time and date in dutch and english.

I made the app for people/children who are having difficulty reading time and dates by pushing a knob in the app like Kids with Autism/Bad Sight/other limiting handicap etcetera, very simple. (of course they can ask Hey Google!, but this works for some who don't want to use Hey Google!)

Also i want to extend it with more languages in time, using the set system language.

It's a free app.

No personal information is pulled from the device, no location, nothing.

It's perfectly privacy safe & does not contain any Easter Eggs :)

The ESRB score is good for any age.

First i used wav samples, but now i changed it to use the Speech API.

It was allowed for the "OK with Families/Children program(or how it is called in English)", anyway, now with the speech API it is rejected.

According to this: https://play.google.com/about/families/children-and-families/#!?zippy_activeEl=designed-for-families#designed-for-families

it states:

Als uw app de Android Speech API <http://developer.android.com/reference/android/speech/package-summary.html>gebruikt, moet RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_CALLING_PACKAGE zijn ingesteld op de bijbehorende PackageName

In English: the RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_CALLING_PACKAGE must be set with the belonging PackageName

Anyone knows what this exactly means? is this something which has been set? or which can be set via script?

Must a bug report be made for this?

Thanks for any insight.

Kind regards,


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