Re: Markdown ultra-lite

2017-11-10 Thread Kay C Lan via use-livecode
On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 2:20 AM, Trevor DeVore via use-livecode
> Here is some old code I used in the past which was modified from some other
> converted I had written for Textile and BBCode.

Trevor, thank you very much.

>If I were writing the
> converter today I would use the styledText array to do it. It is great for
> converting to other formats.
Yes, that is what my initial, very basic, play around has used. The
nice thing about having your code is that I can feed some HTML in, see
what comes out of your code and then compare that against my own
results. It's I nice check to confirm I understand what I think the
markdown spec is saying;-) It'll save me time so thanks again.

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Re: Markdown ultra-lite

2017-11-06 Thread Alex Tweedly via use-livecode

Yeah, that's a really good suggestion.

I had thought of it - but the purist in me was reluctant to add a "magic 
character sequence" without any escape mechanism. And the limitation of 
"no whitespace" made it tricky to limit the context of the replace.

However - the fact that you made the suggestion has bolstered the 
pragmatist in me, so currently the pragmatist is winning over the purist :-)

Indeed, I'll make the character sequence be "_NEW_TAB_"  - and then it 
feels like enhanced readability, so it's a feature :-) Thanks.

And (yet again) thanks to this list for the help and suggestions people 
are willing to put time into ...


On 06/11/2017 13:57, James At The Hale via use-livecode wrote:

Alex wrote

a trailing "*" in a URL would
be converted to make the link open in a new browser tab/window - by
changing it to? TARGET="_blank"

Couldn’t you simply replace your suitably chosen trailing characters with 
TARGET="_blank" after using the function? (I mention characters as a single * 
might be used elsewhere.)


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Re: Markdown ultra-lite

2017-11-06 Thread Trevor DeVore via use-livecode
On Sun, Nov 5, 2017 at 2:40 PM, Kay C Lan via use-livecode <> wrote:

> Nor was I aware that mergMardownToXHMTL existed, so thank you for
> raising this thread so James could enlighten us. Now all I need is
> someone to tell me there is similar function that converts HTML (or
> more specifically the LC subset of HTML used by Fields) to Markdown
> otherwise I too will be reading more about Markdown (thanks for the
> link) and learning something new.

Here is some old code I used in the past which was modified from some other
converted I had written for Textile and BBCode. If I were writing the
converter today I would use the styledText array to do it. It is great for
converting to other formats.


`put htmlTextToMarkdown(htmltext of fld 1)`

Trevor DeVore
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Re: Markdown ultra-lite

2017-11-06 Thread James At The Hale via use-livecode
Alex wrote 
> a trailing "*" in a URL would 
> be converted to make the link open in a new browser tab/window - by 
> changing it to? TARGET="_blank" 

Couldn’t you simply replace your suitably chosen trailing characters with 
TARGET="_blank" after using the function? (I mention characters as a single * 
might be used elsewhere.)


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Re: Markdown ultra-lite

2017-11-05 Thread Alex Tweedly via use-livecode
Well, just for completeness, I'll report that I have decided to use my 
own simple-minded version rather than mergMarkdownToXHTML.

I had added one tiny convenience feature (a trailing "*" in a URL would 
be converted to make the link open in a new browser tab/window - by 
changing it to  TARGET="_blank" ) to make it easier for my 'authors' to 
get it right. Turns out this isn't *just* a convenience - regular 
Markdown has *no way* to specify a link that opens in a new tab. In 
fact, Markdown doesn't allow spaces in the URI, so you can't even type 
it out longhand. Since many, or even most, of the links in articles on 
my site will want to open in new tabs, it's out of the question to do 
without that - so mergMarkdownToXHTML isn't going to work.

So - I'm back to my own converter  which will undoubtedly get a few 
more features added in the next week or so, so I'll post the final 
version (or a link to it) when I think I'm done.

-- Alex.

On 05/11/2017 20:40, Kay C Lan via use-livecode wrote:

On Sun, Nov 5, 2017 at 1:39 AM, Alex Tweedly via use-livecode

(*)  I read about Markdown; it was interesting; I learned something - no
hours were truly "wasted"

Nor was I aware that mergMardownToXHMTL existed, so thank you for
raising this thread so James could enlighten us. Now all I need is
someone to tell me there is similar function that converts HTML (or
more specifically the LC subset of HTML used by Fields) to Markdown
otherwise I too will be reading more about Markdown (thanks for the
link) and learning something new.

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Re: Markdown ultra-lite

2017-11-05 Thread Kay C Lan via use-livecode
On Sun, Nov 5, 2017 at 1:39 AM, Alex Tweedly via use-livecode
> (*)  I read about Markdown; it was interesting; I learned something - no
> hours were truly "wasted"
Nor was I aware that mergMardownToXHMTL existed, so thank you for
raising this thread so James could enlighten us. Now all I need is
someone to tell me there is similar function that converts HTML (or
more specifically the LC subset of HTML used by Fields) to Markdown
otherwise I too will be reading more about Markdown (thanks for the
link) and learning something new.

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Re: Markdown ultra-lite

2017-11-04 Thread Alex Tweedly via use-livecode

On 04/11/2017 13:21, James At The Hale via use-livecode wrote:

You are aware of mergMarkdownToXHTML function from the mergmarkdown library, no?

In a word: "No." :-(

In a sentence:  No, of course not; if I had known Monte had already done 
this in a thorough way, I wouldn't have wasted (*) a couple of hours 
doing the small, easy part of it I did.

In a paragraph: No, had no idea. I did search both via Google (found 
references to using shell, didn't see one to margMarkdown, though that 
may be might due to my short attention span). and in the dictionary 
(which should have found it, so I suspect I searched for "narkdown" or 
some similar stupidity.

(*)  I read about Markdown; it was interesting; I learned something - no 
hours were truly "wasted"

But  -  Thank you very much for pointing me in the right direction.


When I was writing the code to format the description part of the docs (for the 
Dash docset stack) I was reminded by Monte (I think) of this.

It works really well.


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Markdown ultra-lite

2017-11-04 Thread James At The Hale via use-livecode
You are aware of mergMarkdownToXHTML function from the mergmarkdown library, no?

When I was writing the code to format the description part of the docs (for the 
Dash docset stack) I was reminded by Monte (I think) of this.

It works really well.


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Markdown ultra-lite

2017-11-03 Thread Alex Tweedly via use-livecode
I wanted to find a LC implementation of markdown, so I could easily use 
markdown files on a website, and have them be converted to html for 
output. I really wanted it completely in LC, so I could just include it 
without worrying about installing, or checking for, any other languages, 
scripts, etc.

But I could find one, so I thought I might try implementing it myself.

Didn't take long to find a current version in Python (easier for me to 
convert than C or Perl :-) - but heavens there's a lot of code there !! 
And indeed when you read a description (try for example) you can easily see why 
it's complicated to do  full implementation.

And, sadly, many of those complications could have been avoided, but 
weren't due to historical misfortune :-) So I have done an 
ultra-light version  

Restrictions and limitations:

Links are only 'inline', not 'reference'.
  - the whole inline link must be on a single input line.
  - no autolink, HTML Tags or codespans to confuse them :-)
  - no checks on brackets within the link text - simple cases should 
just work, others won't

Images are inline only, not referenced.
 - whole image spec must be on a single input line
 - doesn't do anything to deal with links within image description
 (mostly because I couldn't figure out what this part of the 
spec was trying to allow :-)

NB - because images are done before links, it is possible to handle the 
common case where the inline image is withing the linktext - i.e. you 
can click on the image to go to the other URL, e.g.

   Here is a [picture ![some alt text](x.png) used within 

Only one style of header is handled - using multiple '#'s rather than 

Emphasis, and everything else, isn't done - and may or may not be 
depending on whether I decide I car about it.


Additions and oddities :

1. If the last char in the URL is a '*' then it becomes a "new tab" link 
(i.e. TARGET='_blank').

2. I added special handling for facebook links - see the code

In case anyone else finds it useful, here's the code  I'll figure 
out Github etc. and put it up there some day - but for now it's short 
enough I'm just going to include it here. It uses a couple of utility 
functions which are included.

-- Alex.

local sSubstitutions

function markdownToHTML pMD
   put empty into sSubstitutions
   repeat for each line L in pMD
  -- first extract any image specs
  put L into LL
  put 1 into N
  repeat forever
 if decompose2(LL, "![", "](", p1, p2, p3) then
    if decompose1(p3, ")", p3a, p4) then
   put "" into 

   put p1 & numtochar(N) & p4 into LL
   add 1 to N
   next repeat
    end if
 end if
 exit repeat
  end repeat

  -- and then do any links
  repeat forever
 if decompose2(LL, "[", "](", p1, p2, p3) then
    if decompose1(p3, ")", p3a, p4) then
   if char -1 of p3a = "*" then
  put "' TARGET='_blank" into char -1 of p3a
   end if
   if p2 = "fb" then
  put p1 & "class='icon fa-facebook' TARGET='_blank'>" & "" 
& p4 into LL

  put p1 & "" & p2 
& "" & p4 into LL

   end if

   next repeat
    end if
 end if
 exit repeat
  end repeat

  repeat with i = 1 to N
 replace numtochar(i) with sSubstitutions[i] in LL
  end repeat
  if LL is empty then put L into LL

  if LL is empty then
 put CR after tResult
 put word 1 of LL into W

 replace "#" with empty in W
 if W is empty then
    put the number of chars in word 1 of LL into N
    put "" & word 2 to -1 of LL & "" 
into LL

 end if

 put LL &CR after tResult
  end if
  --  if NOT (tResult ends with CR) then exit repeat
  --  delete char -1 of tResult
   end repeat
   replace (numtochar(13) & numtochar(10)) with CR in tResult
   replace (CR & CR &CR) with (CR & "" & CR) in tResult
   replace (CR & CR) with (CR & "") in tResult
   return tResult
end markdownToHTML

function decompose1 pIn, pSep1, @p1, @p2
   -- if the input string (pIn) contains the delimiter string (pSep1) then
   --    return TRUE and set the result variables to the parts 'before' 
and 'after' the delimiter

   -- else
   --    return FALSE, and leave p1, p2 unchanged
  put offset(pSep1, pIn) into t1
  if t1 > 0 then
    put char 1 to t1-1 of pIn into p1
    put char (t1+the number of chars in pSep1) to -1 of pIn into p2
    return TRUE
  end if
  return FALSE
end decompose1

function decompose2 pIn, pSep1, pSep2, @p1, @p2, @p3
   -- if the input string (pIn) contains the (non-overlapping) 
delimiter strings (pSep1, pSep2) then
   --    return TRUE