Our local paper has begun to carry a daily Sukodu puzzle. A friend challenged me to solve one that he had trouble with. I couldn't find a solution; I kept running into situations where I could find no possible entry without guessing.

To work on it I loaded up Alex Tweedly wonderful Sukodu Assistant. But I needed something that would determine in there was a unique one-stage solution, i.e. a solution in which there was always at least one cell with a determined digit, given the present configuration.

Well, one thing lead to another and Sukodu--see below--resulted. It uses Alex's very nice interface. The drop down menu is an excellent way to enter this limited assortment of discrete data into a field.

The stack also does an analysis of the puzzle after each step and will display in each cell the possible entries. It also looks at the constraints on rows, columns, and blocks, to determine what's possible in these components--applying the restriction that each row, column and block are to contain all nine digits. This analysis is displayed in separate fields.

If you choose the mode in which this info is displayed, the solution to any puzzle will be trivial. But I found it a very useful tutorial to run through a few of the harder puzzles this way. There were strategies available which I had never guessed at. (You can toggle the display of this analysis on and off with a right-click or control-click. You can turn any entry green with a shift-click. This is useful if you have to make a guess. Then, if you run into a contradiction at some point down the road, you can undo back to the green entry.)

When the puzzle is first loaded, the stack uses this analysis of rows, columns and blocks to run through the puzzle (with the screen locked) step by step to obtain a solution--if there is a one-stage solution. With this solution available, it is then possible to choose a mode of play which will not allow an incorrect entry into a cell--comforting.

I have tested this in Mac OS X, but not thoroughly in Windows. I had one stinker of a problem with the Window version. It read a menuPick handler in a button which I had commented out, and did not pass the menuPick message to the card. Took a while to find this bug.

Turned out that the puzzle my friend had given me was missing a number. With friends like this----

The stack (and file folder) are at:


Keep the file folder with the stack. The folder contains a few additional puzzles and a place to save your own.

I may never do one of these Sudoku puzzles again.


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