Rev compress, cgi, php, zip

2009-12-11 Thread Jim Ault
I am refining my algorithms to connect web hosted servers that do not work with Revolution CGI to On-Rev and other web servers that do run Rev CGI. I have several mechanisms working for moving data and processing logic between domains, and would like to add the compression scheme as

Re: Rev compress, cgi, php, zip

2009-12-11 Thread stephen barncard
Maybe the ZIP lib calls would have the right compression. What is the difference between REVZIP calls and compress? There's also the shell, which might certainly call the same kind of routines that PHP does. - Stephen Barncard San Francisco

Re: Rev compress, cgi, php, zip

2009-12-11 Thread David Beck
Hi Jim, In order to decompress data in PHP that was compressed using Rev you need to strip a few bytes off the start of the data: $decompressedData = gzinflate( substr( $dataCompressedWithRev , 10 ) ); However I have not been able to figure out how to go the other way, that is,

Re: Rev compress, cgi, php, zip

2009-12-11 Thread Jim Ault
Your library is on my list to study as I journey toward my client's goals. I have a couple new ideas (after reading Stephen Barncard's email) and digging up some of my own work from 2008. I think a couple solutions will blossom and I will let you know. The most valuable part for my project