
I am using  Mac OS 10.3.8 and Rev 2.5 enterprise

The SuperCard -> SIF Exporter seems to work OK but the SIF to Rev importer.rev presents a problem.

When the .SIF file is selected and then asked to select an image file (all have .pct), I get the following 'alert' and all further action stops:

compiling at 6:53:09 AM
Type    insert: expected 'front' or 'back'
Object  Funds_Stocks
Line    insert menu 20 into item 6 of menu "Funds_Stocks"
Hint    stack "Funds_Stocks" of stack "MyMonEE_2_0_Proj_.mc"

executing at 6:53:09 AM
Type Object: value is not a boolean (true or false)
Object SIF->mc
Line set the autoTab of the templateField to line 23 of objdata
Hint stack "/Users/robertpresendedr/Desktop/SC to Rev Converter v1.3.3B9/SIF to Rev importer.rev"

I first used the converter with Rev 1.1 and OS 9 a couple of years ago without any problem.

Is there a newer converter?  Help will be appreciated.

Regards ... Bob

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