Hi all,

with the runrev 2.7.1 release, I have wanted to try it with my software.
But after converted all stack to runrev 2.7 and the launcher to runrev 2.7.1,
I launch the software and I have got this error : "license limit exceeded"

My software work like that, I have got a lot of stack which registers their functions in back.
(a lot of library, my project is a bit huge).

With runrev 2.6.1, there is no problem, with runrev 2.7.1, this block.
I have take a look at the Runrev 2.7.1 documentations, and in the documentations is it said
normal that standalone application are limited to 10 backscripts.

So, why is the reason of this block ? and does this limit occurs on licensed edition of Runrev ?
(I am using evaluation for testing).


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