Hi there,
As an addition to this does the sorting machinery allow frequency counts for words in a text field?

on mouseup
  put the text of field 1 into tText
  put replacetext(tText, "[^\w\s]", "") into tText
  put replacetext(tText, "\b\d+\b", "") into tText
  put replacetext(tText, "\s+", " ") into tText
  set the itemdel to " "
  sort items of tText by word 1 of each
  put tText
  put frequencyCount(tText, true) into message
end mouseup

function frequencyCount pText, pCaseSensitive
  if pText is empty then return empty
  if pCaseSensitive is true then
    put tolower(pText) into pText
   end if
  set the itemdel to " "
  repeat with x = 1 to the number of items in pText
    put item x of pText into tWord
    if tWord is empty then next repeat
    if aWordFreq[tWord] is empty then
      put 1 into aWordFreq[tWord]
      put aWordFreq[tWord] + 1 into aWordFreq[tWord]
       end if
    end repeat
    put the keys of aWordFreq into tKeys
    put empty into tList
    repeat for each line tKey in tKeys
      put tKey && "(" & aWordFreq[tKey] & ")" & cr after tList
    end repeat
    sort lines of tList by item 1 of each
   -- replace cr with "  " in tList
    return tList
  end frequencyCount

Both the sorting and the frequency count functions were typed in 2 minutes, you may have to tweak them a little to ensure a correct behavior.


Marielle Lange (PhD),  http://widged.com
Bite-size Applications for Education

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