Hi Folks,

it's with great pleasure that I am here to announce that I finally managed to implement XML-RPC server side in Revolution. The "Integer", "String", "Date", "Boolean", "Float" and "Double" datatypes are mapping correctly. It's build in a way that you simply don't need to change your code. Just create your handlers as usual, if you want to return a XML-RPC error just use throw, if you want to return data just use return. If you need more info on XML-RPC you can check http://www.xmlrpc.com

For those using MacOS X I made a couple AppleScripts to demo the new RevHTTPd XML-RPC features. You can fetch it from:

for those that know how to build XML-RPC requests, just point to http://home.soapdog.org:8082/xmlrpc and try the available demo methods

method: rpcDemos.Hello
Parameters: your name as a string
Description: the server will return a nice hello message to you.

method: rpcDemos.WhatTimeIsIt
Parameters: none
Description: shows the current time and date here on the server.

method: rpcDemos.sumAll
Parameters: any
Description: will sum all parameters

method: rpcDemos.productAll
Parameters: any
Description: will multiply all the parameters

method: rpcDemos.testError
Parameters: none
Description: throws an error just to show our error handling kung-fu!

if someone wants a simple applescript source to test the server, here it goes:

-- This is the obligatory hello world
tell application "http://home.soapdog.org:8082/xmlrpc";

return call xmlrpc {method name:"rpcDemos.hello", parameters:{"put your name here"}}

end tell

as you might have guessed, this thing runs inside revHTTPd server, you can point your browser to http://home.soapdog.org:8082 to know more about the project. Also, rpcDemos is just a simple stack, I am making it available so that you can see it's code (http://www.soapdog.org/rev/rpcDemos.rev). There's no XML-RPC code in it, just simple handlers using return and throw, this is to show that any stack can be used in a XML-RPC enviroment. revHTTPd engine will translate back and from the XML-RPC spec automatically.

I am now leaving a simple server with demos running here at home in my revHTTPd implementation. I would welcome everyone to try it for the fun of it.
Please send me feedback!!!


-- Andre Alves Garzia  2004  BRAZIL http://studio.soapdog.org _______________________________________________ use-revolution mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://lists.runrev.com/mailman/listinfo/use-revolution

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