Hi Richmond,

> Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 04:37:45 -0500
> From: "Mathewson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Intelligent Agents......
> I am in the process of submitting a Master's proposal at
> the University if Abertay with a view to doing research
> into intelligent agents for teaching xTalk to
> teachers......
Interesting idea...have you looked at the PAN:

> I am at present looking for a copy of 'Eager', an IA
> developed for HyperCard........
At the above site (have fun) there is a page you might miss containing a
demo of expert systems:


...Also, somewhere in there is a reference to some stuff done with
CLIPS-like algorithms in Rev, but I haven't found them (I notice some
projects exist such that you'd never guess what they are by their name ;-))


...used by NASA and other government agencies since the '80's.

Also, although it's geared to building courseware without 'programming'
skills (meaning writing code I presume), there isn't any reason Preceptor
Tools couldn't be use to teach code, if you look it over:


Putting it all together for a Master's Thesis has all the earmarks of a
truly challenging project.

Let us know what you come up with.

Speaking of that, I think I'll post my own dream again.

All the best,
Ken N.

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