Hi chbndrhnns,

Have a look in this thread:

It mentions the same error you have. Perhaps it'll be of help.
Let me know it doesn't.


On Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 4:50 PM, chbndrhnns <code+apa...@rueschel.de> wrote:

> Hey,
> Sometime when I want to store a service template (e.g. `aria
> service-template store examples/clearwater/clearwater-single-static.yaml
> cw`), it fails with
> ```
> Storing service template cw...
> Validation issues:
>   0: presenter not found
>      PresenterNotFoundError: presenter not found
> Failed to parse service template
> ```
> I have not been able yet to reproduce safely.
> Any ideas what this is about?
> Bye,
> Jo

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